
Thursday, August 09, 2018

Minnesota's primary elections are next Tuesday? What have this week's Tuesday primaries shown?

Readers can websearch on their own, but this Google News search intrigued me: tuesday primaries turnout

Who does high turnout favor? The same-old same-old, or new faces and viewpoints? Is a high primary turnout more favorable to the Republicans who now control all three branches of the Federal government, and have done as they have; or are Democrats correct in the "Blue Wave" prognostications? Take that question with a caveat: a high primary turnout is not an infallible indicator that the general election might generate record turnouts. Pundits can guess, but until November it is all best-guess punditry.

On a "more likely than not" guessing basis: The general election turnout will have a record off-year election turnout, favoring Democrats.

That and several dollars will buy you a Starbucks latte.