
Sunday, August 19, 2018

A vexing positioning correctly about a part of heathcare; a studied, deliberate refusal to get on board with Single Payer; whether you call it that, Medicare for all, universal healthcare, or medical care as a right.

This page. Word search it, "single payer," "medicare for all," "as a right," or simply "universal." With all those med-tech stocks the need for getting with it is compelling. Articulate something, or disavow single payer, but ducking the issue is lame, cowardly.

This page. I could not have said it better. On point with the Planned Parenthood background where courage on a stand is undoubted - which at this point is enough, given lightweight wrong-headed opposition, but there is no enthusiasm here with those who bail on single payer. They are only half-friends.

Got my vote, by default, but point person on Wilfare, single payer MIA, not very appealing. An appalling affront about sulfide mining and PolyMet and fast tracking something that should be absolutely vetted as a threat to future generations, to the very earth and waters.

I despise the unwillingness to embrace progressive aims. I realize I'm stuck with the choice of Guv Mark.

Don't like it. Have to tolerate it.

An endorsement. Of sorts. All I have to say. This candidate.