
Sunday, August 19, 2018

A parting thought about Richard Painter.

Run against Emmer, if he's still in Congress next cycle. One need not live within the district to run CD6.

Multiple sites show Emmer votes with Paul Ryan; e.g., here and here. A terrible voting record. Given the opposed positions Painter articulated when opposing Smith; if sincere, he'd be like day vs. night, in comparison to the CD6 incumbent whose surprising skill has been keeping his opinionated mouth shut and keeping a very low profile. A quiet Trumpster enabler. Who would not vote Painter's way, should the Senate ever impeach with the House then voting yes or no.

Paulsen voted for that obscene tax break for billionaires; and got heat. Emmer seems to have gotten a free pass, same vote.

Jason Lewis' talk show days are policy fodder today. Tom Emmer's talk show days should be tomorrow's fodder for upgrading representation.

The dumpster fire still burns, Richard. Pick up the gauntlet if Emmer is still there.

Or is the wolf in sheep's clothing claim actually true?

UPDATE: This image, from this MinnPost item.

FURTHER: Emmer's talk radio stint ran from summer, 2011, to summer, 2013.

Ian Todd is the DFL candidate, this cycle, for the CD6 seat. Without doing any research, the belief is that unlike references back to Lewis broadcasting in the CD2 race, Todd has not run on any focus upon Emmer talk radio history, nor does the DFL appear to have done any opposition research on it. Readers wishing to attempt to research past Emmer radio commentary are urged to do so, and to notify the Todd campaign if the need arises. There is this online, focused however, on Emmer's co-host. Whether Emmer voiced any differing opinions from that reported for his co-host in that show segment is unclear. That dust-up was reported as only about the co-host.