
Monday, June 25, 2018

Tim Pawlenty and common sense.

A Pawlenty snailmail solicitation was handed me, in which he prominently mentions, multiple places in the letter, he mentions common sense.

Common sense is good, as in: Make your bank mortgage payments on time or lose the house to the bankers; keep discretionary money for later when it becomes needed, all that.

As a show of common sense, Pawlenty style, the mailing included a response envelope, postage prepaid.

Sending it back empty to reflect the emptiness of the statements of problems and concerns the letter addresses makes good sense.

Sense which, common or uncommon, is good.

His letter has a lot to say about Minnesotans - "nice, "frugal," "respectful" and "polite."

Send back the empty envelope. Or first insert a note about Jeff Johnson being a nice man, respectful of the caucus system, politely so.

UPDATE: Chomsky.