
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

An Eric Cantor moment, at the other end of the political spectrum?

Mainstream media has had its focus upon mainstream candidates, but now must handle news.

Headlining and opening of various reports is interesting, as well as opening photos showing the winner favorably or less so:

Republican Glen Taylor's Strib, carrying an AP feed: "Democratic heavyweight loses in New York as Trump picks win," with opening paragraph:

As Donald Trump's party came together, a 28-year-old liberal activist ousted top House Democrat Joe Crowley in the president's hometown Tuesday night, a stunning defeat that suddenly forced Democrats to confront their own internal divisions.

CNN, "A 28-year-old Democratic Socialist just ousted a powerful, 10-term congressman in New York," with opening paragraph:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old Latina running her first campaign, ousted 10-term incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in New York's 14th congressional district on Tuesday, CNN projects, in the most shocking upset of a rollicking political season.

Gender and ethnicity and age are noted as the winner is actually named. Berniecrat affiliation in the headline; "democratic socialist" being the euphemism (or is it more a depersonalization of an issue set) to mean those given hope by Bernie's ascendance and the ugly Dem status quo in descent. And disarming the gender-bias excuse some used after Ms. Clinton's loss.

"10-term" noted early in CNN reporting. How long has Pelosi been in Congress? How old was Methuselah?

Breitbart: " ‘Abolish ICE!’ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Upsets Rep. Joe Crowley in New York Primary " starting:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old, Bernie-Sanders-supporting political novice, has defeated incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) in the 14th congressional district in the New York primary.

WSJ: "New York Democrat Joe Crowley Is Defeated by Newcomer in Primary Upset -- Crowley, the first Democratic incumbent to lose in 2018, is unseated by 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez," starting:

In a major upset for the Democratic Party establishment, Rep. Joe Crowley of New York lost his primary election Tuesday, unseated by a young progressive newcomer who reflects restiveness in the left wing of the party.

Mother Jones: With an opening photo of the Manhattan skyline, a sunrise over New York City, beginning:

The election of President Donald Trump sparked a grassroots resurgence in the Democratic Party, an organized resistance in red and blue America that has put Republican elected officials on notice. But in New York, the story has been a bit more complicated. Sure, Democrats are vying for a half dozen Republican-held seats this fall, but to an unusual degree, progressive activism in New York politics has focused on the Democratic party itself. Over the last two years, frustrated by the pace of change in Albany as places like Washington state and California lead the way in passing ambitious progressive policy, organizers have pushed back against a local party establishment they believe has failed to live up to the state’s deep-blue potential on things like health care, public corruption, immigration, and voting rights.

Good ol' MoJo.

FOX: "Rep. Joe Crowley defeated in Democratic primary upset by newcomer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez," beginning:

Rep. Joe Crowley, the chairman of the House Democratic Caucus who was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House, suffered a shocking primary defeat in New York's 14th House District Tuesday.

Rupert and Hegseth, shocked, SHOCKED!

NY Times: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Defeats Joseph Crowley in Major Democratic House Upset," [unfavorable photo], first paragraph:

Representative Joseph Crowley of New York, once seen as a possible successor to Nancy Pelosi as Democratic leader of the House, suffered a shocking primary defeat on Tuesday, the most significant loss for a Democratic incumbent in more than a decade, and one that will reverberate across the party and the country.

Our Revolution: "Press Release -- Our Revolution Statement on Rhode Island and New York Primary Wins," beginning:

Our Revolution on Wednesday congratulated Marcia Ranglin-Vassell and Jeanine Calkin of Rhode Island and Anthony Eramo of New York on their primary victories.

LA Times, carrying an AP feed, lead image of Crowley, not of the winner,"Democratic heavyweight Rep. Joe Crowley loses in New York; Trump's picks win," [much like Strib].

Bloomberg, " [nice photo], beginning:

Longtime Representative Joe Crowley was dealt a stunning upset in New York’s Democratic primary Tuesday by a young challenger from the party’s progressive wing, while Republican Representative Dan Donovan decisively beat back a challenge from former congressman and ex-convict Michael Grimm with the help of an endorsement from President Donald Trump.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who previously worked as an organizer for Senator Bernie Sanders’s 2016 presidential campaign, won the Democratic nomination for Crowley’s district covering Queens and part of the Bronx in a race seen as a fight between the party’s old guard and a new, more liberal generation.

"More liberal." Cannot they say, "Progressive?" They do clearly say, "Berniecrat." Bless that. Those are the Dem wings, "Corporate" and "Progressive," but MSM avoids the usage. And there is a mish-mosh middle, needing a big push to progress.

The people wanted Bernie. In 2016. They continue to show a 2020 inclination, and Bloomberg acknowledges the fact.

Boston Globe: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old BU grad, just upset Rep. Joe Crowley in a New York primary -- 'We meet a machine with a movement, and that is what we have done today.' " First paragraph:

NEW YORK (AP) — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old Sen. Bernie Sanders supporter, has upset longtime U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley in the Democratic congressional primary in New York.

Presumably from the same AP feed Strib used (with the Trump referenced clipped off as being of secondary importance).

Guardian: "Democrats see major upset as socialist beats top-ranking US congressman -- Joe Crowley, 10-term Democrat expected to be party’s next House leader, loses to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, in New York," starting:

Joe Crowley, a 10-term Democrat pegged as his party’s next leader in Congress, lost his party’s New York congressional primary to a 28-year-old socialist, in a result likely to send shockwaves through the party.

With 98% reporting, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had 57.5% and Crowley had 42.5%, in a majority minority district that included parts of Queens and the Bronx.

Ocasio-Cortez, a Puerto-Rican American and former Bernie Sanders volunteer, defeated Crowley in his re-election bid Tuesday night, after hitting the incumbent on his ties to Wall Street and accusing him of being out of touch with his increasingly diverse district.

Crowley, head of the Queens county Democratic party and the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, was considered to be Nancy Pelosi’s likely successor as House speaker if she stepped down.

The result was compared to the shock defeat of Eric Cantor, the No 2 House Republican, to a Tea Party candidate, David Brat, in 2014. Cantor’s defeat stopped any momentum for Republicans in Congress on immigration reform and helped to create the House Freedom Caucus and drive out the former speaker John Boehner.

With a Guardian sidebar pointer to an op-ed, "Democrats are losing the millennial vote and need to change message | Cas Mudde -Read more."

Are you optimistic about facing how massive a pile driver is needed to drive one really thick establishment pile to a depth so that only a little remains showing?

CONSIDER: Navel gazing over fact and implications, Politico as the DC barometer; a buffet sampling:

THE DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS -- which Crowley chairs -- was beginning, for the first time, to allow a conversation about a transition toward a new leadership structure, which he could’ve led. Some allies and friends of NANCY PELOSI were even envisioning a scenario -- far off, for sure -- in which she served as speaker for some period of time in a Democratic majority, and set up a situation in which Crowley could take the reins.

NO LONGER. Just like when Cantor was turned out of office in 2014, the Democratic leadership structure is going to be confronted with serious upheaval. To be sure, Crowley was not perfect for House Democrats. He was a middle-aged white man as the party turned more diverse. He was a big-city party boss in an age of insurgency. But, like Cantor -- who also ran counter to party trends at the time -- Crowley was seen as safe and stable.

NOW, the race for the Democratic leadership will be wide open. It’s too early to say definitively what this means for PELOSI, JIM CLYBURN and STENY HOYER, the 78-, 77- and 79-year olds who have been in Congress a combined 93 years.

IS THE MESSAGE you got from last night that the party wants leaders in their upper 70s who have been in Washington for three decades? Seventy-something year old leaders, have a laundry list of votes and positions they’ve taken and been part of the machine the base is railing on. IT’S IMPORTANT TO NOTE: 63 Democrats voted against Pelosi in the last leadership election. More than a dozen candidates this cycle have said they would follow suit.

A SENIOR HOUSE DEMOCRATIC AIDE, however, pushed back on the idea that Crowley’s defeat has any bearing on Pelosi: “Tonight’s developments have little practical impact on the race for the top Democratic slot since Pelosi has made clear that she’s staying put. Real question is which younger Members of leadership will step up in their leadership roles. One real way to do that now is to raise money now. We literally are in a position of where we cannot afford the opportunity that exists on the map.”

[...] -- CHARTING THE FALL … GLORIA PAZMINO and LAURA NAHMIAS: “From future speaker to primary loser: Inside Crowley’s crushing defeat”: “Ocasio-Cortez pounded the pavement and never wavered from her message: Crowley was out of touch with his district and could no longer represent a community of Latino, Asian and African immigrants whose families and friends face an existential threat from the Trump Administration.” [link omitted]

GREG GIROUX -- Bloomberg’s Hill election expert (@greggiroux): “Congress has never had a woman under 30 in its membership. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is 28. #ny14 … The youngest woman ever elected? Elise Stefanik (R-NY) at 30 in 2014. She's seeking 3rd term in #ny21”.

-- “Who Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? A Democratic Giant Slayer,” by NYT’s Vivian Wang: “She has never held elected office. She is still paying off her student loans. She is 28 years old. ‘Women like me aren’t supposed to run for office,’ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in a viral campaign video released last month. They certainly weren’t supposed to win.” [links omitted]

[...] STAT OF THE DAY … OCASIO-CORTEZ spent $128,140 from the beginning of April to June 6. Crowley spent $1.1 million over the same period.

REP. STEVE STIVERS (R-OHIO), the chairman of the NRCC, weighs in with an 11 p.m. message to Team Playbook: “2018 Democratic Primaries require a major investment from establishment D’s, or the results wildly favor progressive candidates.

“When they spend, they take money from the General Election. ($10 million spent in California - that’s 5 less races in the Fall) When they don’t spend, they get less electable candidates (Eastman, Balter & Delgado).

“Either outcome is good for us. And Crowley losing means there is no clear alternative to Nancy Pelosi.”

[...] THINK OF THIS … EVERY SINGLE “next” House Democratic leader is gone. Joe Crowley lost. Xavier Becerra is AG of California. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland is a senator. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida to the DNC, where she was pushed out of the chairmanship.

[...] WHAT THIS MEANS FOR 2020 … THE LEFTWARD LURCH ... If you thought Democrats were already leaning left, look now for the lurch. After last night, can you envision the forces running the Democratic Party today anointing a Joe Biden-type candidate?

PRESIDENT TRUMP ON CROWLEY -- @realDonaldTrump at 10:18 p.m.: “Wow! Big Trump Hater Congressman Joe Crowley, who many expected was going to take Nancy Pelosi’s place, just LOST his primary election. In other words, he’s out! That is a big one that nobody saw happening. Perhaps he should have been nicer, and more respectful, to his President!”

THIS TAKE is unlikely to get repeated by many people who understand what happened last night. Crowley got beat by a woman who ran to his left.

[capitalization in original, bolding omitted]

A video. Another. Pre-primary Intercept reporting; read it.

Not another DCCC-beloved millionaire - still paying off student loans being the single needed fact saying "Not your pedestrian PAC-money Dem millionaire" indirectly, but clearly enough.
"What Happened Last Night? Alexandria's Earthquake-- And The DCCC Stinks Up The Room Again."

Leave it there.

BOTTOM LINE: Here at Crabgrass at least, the bet is Crowley backed Tom Perez for head of DNC and opposed any DNC declaration that PAC money would not be accepted. Fossil. Feinsteinian. Good ol' DCCC "money talks" consultancy type's ouster cannot be but encouraging. People in some places can tell who may best represent their actual pecuniary best interests: the candidate who listens when people say what they want, and beleives in the same goals and ambitions. Nationwide, who knows? An actual CHANGE causing actual HOPE? But November looms, nationwide; and money buys TV scare-ads. Money will buy much, because big money had no problems with the ousted guy.

Error in leaving out commentary of interest - corrected by update:

[...] 28 year old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did exactly what she told me she would do several months ago... she defeated the #4 member of the House Democratic leadership, and most corrupt Democrat in Congress, Joe Crowley. She did it by working and working and working and working smart and working hard. Crowley, who's taken more bribes from Wall Street than any other House Democrat-- $7,148,700-- spent-- as of June 6th-- $3,354,370 to her $300,709. And outside independent spending... minimal. [...]

Anyway, Alexandria beat him 15,897 (57.5%) to 11,761 (42.5%)-- a big win, especially considering EMILY's List absolutely refused to endorse her. Everyone is Congress who got involved, including big women's champion Kirsten Gillibrand, endorsed him and only Ro Khanna backed her (although it was a dual endorsement). No one from the establishment took her seriously. Now they have to learn how to pronounce her name. Randy Bryce was delighted and speaking for fellow grassroots progressives said, "Tonight was yet another example of the Beltway getting it wrong-- regular, working people are on a mission. We’re on a mission to stand for our values and win the monumental battles at hand. Alexandria proved people wrong and I’m excited to serve with her and unite in defying the odds." This is a great day for for NY-14, a great day for progressives, a great day for Alexandria's team (including the Justice Democrats), a great day for the Democratic Party, a great day for America, a miserable day for Mark Pocan.

[inline image indicating BlueAmerica - Ocasio-Cortez endorsement]

Also in New York, the DCCC lost another one. Up in the Syracuse area (NY-24), all the local Democrats were firmly behind Dana Balter when suddenly, the DCCC-- ignoring the local Democratic Party, as they always do-- parachuted their own candidate into the race, Juanita Perez Williams. The locals were furious. The final score: [Dana Balter by over sixty percent]

The DCCC should fight Republicans-- and first learn how to-- and stop fighting their own party's grassroots and progressives. Syracuse voters slapped them hard across the snout, just the way voters in Omaha, Nebraska and Lexington, Kentucky did recently.

[italics added]

Meanwhile, a read-bite from the Intercept's pre-election feature on the Crowley vs. Orsino-Cortez primary:

Michael Bloomberg is fundraising for Crowley, [...] An invitation for the fundraiser Bloomberg hosted at his Manhattan home on May 2 suggested contributions of $1,000, $2,700, and $5,400.

That Intercept item also covered a dinner Ocasio-Cortez held with supporters.

____________FURTHER UPDATE______________
At least one news outlet will call a progressive a "progressive" and not "liberal" or "extreme liberal." NPR:

Updated at 12:35 a.m. ET

National progressives scored a major coup over the Democratic establishment Tuesday night as 28-year-old activist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez upset House Democratic Caucus chairman and longtime New York Rep. Joe Crowley.

It was a breakthrough for the left wing of the Democratic Party, in a primary season where they haven't been able to cause too many headaches for the establishment. Crowley's defeat capped a string of progressive victories over the Democratic establishment on Tuesday, including in the Maryland governor's race, where Ben Jealous won the nomination with the backing of Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Honesty is the best policy. Don't "sanitize" Progressives with false colors. Liberal has a historically evolved general Gestalt; and Berniecrats step substantially beyond that. Schumer is a "liberal," in the classic sense. Meanwhile, today's progressives are not evolved from Woodrow Wilson usage of the "Progressivism" label. The best term is the one Bernie resurrected, "democratic socialist." That is so, even after the Eisenhower years where McCarthy and HUAC propagandized the term "socialist" in order to mislead a nation. "Socialism" is not a synonym for "evil." Just as the word "trump" in general usage as a verb does not mean "buffoon."