
Friday, April 13, 2018

So will it be no trade war after all? Soybeans trump jobs? Intellectual property can be "stolen" with impunity? Let's redo the TPP? How about repudiating every massive lie told ramping up to the 2016 November election?

CNN. Breitbart. NY Times. Bloomberg. Vox. CNBC. Sydney Morning Herald. Guardian. National Review. Politico.

Is it coming through that a deplorable pathological liar was put by deplorables into the White House, and he cared not a damn for the workers he piled into the speaking events, by lying? Or is that yet to sink in? That a corporatist Wall Street servitude was elected? That he's likely lying about Stormy Daniels? That his Trump Tower is filled with Russian emigres? That feet are clay? That had he lived, Roy Cohn would be proud of his protoge? That likely his only core belief is that his children are special? Got that yet, folks?

Most of the links are to reporting. Breitbart is editorializing. After zinging Trump's about-face, a closing paragraph zinging Ryan on his way out of Congress and into green pastures. This is an interesting phenomenon surfacing. Rural globalists and urban workers discovering despite their past and shaky cohesive Trump mania, their interests may differ. Does Trump deserve criticism over false promising? Is Pope Francis a Catholic?

Two words of discouragement, however, for those whose easy answer is Dump Trump.

Mike Pence

If Trump is to be dumped it must be at the ballot box because Pence by impeachment would be moving a good but foolish nation from the frying pan into the fire. Mike Pence is Trump's anti-impeachment insurance policy. Pence was that from the get-go. Why else pick such a mediocre biased person for second spot on the ticket?

It was a sensible thing for Trump to do, given who he actually intended to be - from the get-go.

Do corporatist Democrats hold the answer? They wrote in secret the detail of the TPP. Along with Wall Street. We need a national shift to Berniecrats, or doom looms. Globalization done right could be win-win for the people of the world. Done with the wealthy buying Congress to avoid taxes which would cost them more than the Congress critters cost, those malefactors of great wealth in the global driver's seat, would be a disservice to U.S. workers and to regular people, worldwide. Wall Street has no merit whatsoever, to be running the world. Waking-up confused Rip van Winkle a bit, but he adjusted. FOX has no answer but march in step. In step with Koch's Hegseth, no less. Waking up from a torpor can be good. If done right.

___________FURTHER UPDATE____________
No more demagogues with glib presentations and dark intent. Remember, Bernie never said his goals would be implemented overnight, just elect me. He articulated a sane set of beliefs and goals which could be fought for with the knowledge that power to create beneficial change for more people would not be easily surrendered by those holding power for themselves and a small band of greedy cohorts. Yet if not having a proper set of policy goals in view, with that as roadmap of where to push and to fight, being hoodwinked by wolves in sheep's clothing, by Trumpsters, if not an inevitability is a most strong probability. So, good people, educate those among you who enjoy being glibly hoodwinked by FOX in sheep's clothing. Rupert Murdoch not only owns FOX, he owns Wall Street Journal, so chew on that, FOX mavens. Clarity is not a difficult perception, if you start with an open mind and a view to who prospers by what.

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
What we have here is Lincoln's fool most of the people some of the time, and a rude awakening happening. Time is ripe for a sequel, "Art of the Spiel."