
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Get a job or die. The antithesis of healthcare as a right and not a privilege. It is mean.

This Strib report. Embryo Angst has these types handwringing and keening, but be an actual live human, then it is screw you Charlie or Charlene if you do not march to our tune. And your excommunication from public enabling of your right to healthcare involves your children, their needs; or does the bill implement some exception that way? They are actual living humans, so presumably they hump the tune parentwise, or suffer since it is the embryos that PR flakdom from that bloc embraces. Real people, stand on their throats. It gets their attention.

Question of the day - Where does inconsistency about treasuring human life cross the line into hypocrisy? Legislatively? Among Republicans? The fundies evangelicals in particular.