
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

PEOPLE GET READY: Our Revolution Minnesota has a slate of Congressional endorsements. None for CD7 which has an unshakable Ag. Committee ranking member Blue Dog incumbency. For the other districts new faces are favored; people who do not seek corporate ties and interlocks, Cargill, UnitedHealthcare, Big Pharma, international banks, or otherwise.

My choices go down the middle, where it is good to see Erdmann and Phifer and my favoring them is a shared viewpoint among progressives who were Bernie backers. Yes, Ian Todd has been recognized in Crabgrass posting as an upgrade for CD6 if the blue wave happens, and Ellison is a most welcome mainstay where earlier focus upon him was not needed.

Here, Phifer and Erdmann have received disproportionate commentary, because those are interesting races, one with no incumbent running and the other with an egregious choice having been made last election. And where CD8 and CD2, unlike CD6, have other contestants for the DFL endorsement.

Following the Our Revolution endorsements in the Congressional contests is an easy way to be assured one is voting for well-intentioned quality people not beholden to any corporate special interests.

Dean Phillips has been mentioned in commentary here, and the choice between Otto and Murphy is a gut level decision where should Walz emerge as the DFL choice; each of the three is a non-bank lobbyist carpet bagging back to Minnesota with an intent to hold rich white male dominated middle-aged-and-older big money fundraisers to finance an aim at doing mischief in great measure should November voters prove less than astute.

Can anyone reveal to the public, if not the donor-fundraiser attendee names, the proportion that were either female or younger than forty who showed up and gave  huckster money to the " alleged Sam's Club" beltway inside operator?

The man even lies about his Sam's Club bit; putting on a red plaid flannel for a book cover while he's corporate to the bone and owned and paid for that way while enjoying having suits as well tailored and pricey as the ones Nasser Kazeminy picked out and bought for Norm Coleman.

Let us invent a term: a Sam's Club fraud. It fits. Like those spiffy suits. Suits worn as sartorially topped off with a Trump tie and one of those Republican-loved cloisonne lapel flag pins. Made in China. (Like Trump ties and Ivanka shoes and most other of the Trump family's retailed merchandise.)

At a bet, the man's fundraiser - the Minnesota one not the Florida one - was peopled by more than one UnitedHealthcare fat-wallet person, ditto Freedom Club (that libertarian-Jesus progress-hating confab peopled out of the several west metro country clubs).

Having no knowledge of Rich Wright, (the Our Revolution endorsed DFL candidate in CD1 where the seat is open because Walz is in the running for Governor), aside from knowing a possible slogan, Wright is Right for Minnesota; research is needed.

On the statewide auditor race, Julie Blaha is from Ramsey with strong support among SD35 DFL caucus and convention attendees. Blaha has union roots with the teachers and the AFL-CIO while Tollefson has nurses backing. I know Julie, she has befriended me, so that my view favoring her is colored that way.

It is time I again look at twenty-seven buck multiples to help The Revolution, so Wright may soon get a check in the mail, Phifer and Erdmann, another check each.

In closing the post, please note that the Our Revolution endorsement page screencapture is captioned with the webpage link, and know that the endorsement page in turn links from each photo to a candidate page at Our Revolution. For example, Rich Wright.

From that example, one can contrubute to the Wright campaign via a page button maintained by Our Revolution; or by linking over to the candidate's webpage:

Again, the Our Revolution starting endorsement link is:

Also note - legislative races are starting to gain endorsement attention.

Finally it may be coincidence, but DCCC picks its annointed favorites, Our Revolution endorses and in the two races where there's a known difference, Erdmann in Minnesota CD2, and Laura Moser in Houston CD7, each have the Our Revolution blessing, with others being those favored by the beltway corporatist-leaning operation.

Readers, please do NOT contribute to DCCC. Please, instead, contribute to individual candidates you prefer. In Houston CD7, Emily's List discriminated against pro-choice progessive Laura Moser, so be cautious about that DC-based operation too. Attention to such things will ideally forestall beltway misapprehensions in the future. Now, and in the future, ideally. The message will become more real to beltway folks if progressives gain ascension in the ranks of Congress and in local legislatures. May that blessing become a reality. Soon.