
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Clown shows are always better with more than one clown providing circus atmosphere amusement. News of the day: We got 'em.

A pair. A matched pair. Per an AP item, carried by Strib. With this image leading the Strib report.

Read that report and then decide for yourself: Which one of them can ride a unicycle while juggling? Both? Neither? Unskilled clowns? Would P.T. Barnum have hired either? Would one of the pair have made P.T. Barnum (or equivalent) head of the VA?

Now, why the image? It is for the younger readers who did not experience the 70's and would not believe people did not then do much body piercing but did wear polyester bellbottoms and leisure suits. And it is for categorizing the man in the image as a tool of his times, shaped by what then sufficed as superficial huckstering of the day's branded goods then in fashion as "luxury" badges indicative of the "good life." Compare, e.g., image above and images here and here. That comparison serves to put the man in his cage of peers. Letting the young understand how his destiny was shaped, the forces and focus that made him who he is. And remember - formative years for the clownish pair.