
Sunday, March 04, 2018

MN CD8: Is Nolan really behind this thing or is Metsa bending truth?

PiPress reports:

It wasn’t the only factor, but “a nudge” from the congressman Jason Metsa will vie to replace helped him decide to run for the 8th Congressional District’s open seat.

[...] He joins four other DFL candidates trying to replace incumbent Rep. Rick Nolan, who announced his retirement in February.

“Essentially it was after talking to my wife and family and friends — and getting a nudge from Congressman Nolan to strongly consider it,” Metsa said. “We thought it was a good time to take that step and try to be a part of making a difference.”

[italics added] Is this a work of fiction, or what?

Wtf does "nudge" mean other than there's an endorsement?

Is there?

If it was bakk, rukavina, or tomassini alleged there'd be cause to believe. Nolan? Prove it.

(Nolan merits first letter capitalization.)

This reminds one of Michele Bachmann getting a "nudge" from God to run for a House seat.

The difference, Metsa's coat tail claim is capable of proof, confirmation by Nolan, so faith is less a player.

While not having noted it before, this blog got started based upon receiving both a wink and a nudge from Sinclair Lewis' ghost. Putting me in the pure faith-to-believe category along with Bachmann. But it is true. There have been subsequent Lewis visitations, his saying, "Improve it. Write better."

__________FURTHER UPDATE___________
During one visitation Lewis called me, "a Babbitt." Hearing that, I almost lost my bearings.