
Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Hubris beyond good sense: WTF do they have to hide?

Concerning the HD 35A Republican candidate forum, an inquiry got a reply:

From: SD35GOP
Date: Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: A GOP related question
To: eric zaetsch < . . .>



The event is open to all local Republicans.

DeeDee Larson
SD 35A Deputy Chair

to which I replied:

7:11 AM (2 minutes ago)

to SD35GOP
Thank you, Dee Dee Democracy. What's to hide? Also, when posting closed events on a public website, perhaps indicating a closed status might be an idea for you.

And to SD 25 Senator Abeler, I forwarded Dee Dee's statement:

to Jim
What's to hide? This is silly. Beyond silly, it is offensive. Not that Dee Dee Democracy is one of your bloc . . .

Given the event is being held in City of Ramsey's city hall, I surely hope the city is charging a suitable fee, for a non-public and clearly political event. Perhaps it is gratis given a city council member is one of the forum candidate - speakers. If that is so it seems wrong, to half the community, the Democrats. The HD 35A endorsed DFL candidate resides in Ramsey. He might see this as both playing favorites, and an affront.

Good information: Ramsey City Administrator emailed in response to an inquiry:

Hi Eric,

Pursuant to our City room rental policy, they were charged a $50 fee to use the Council Chambers. They are also charged a $100 damage deposit. If the meeting goes past 9:30 – they would be charged an additional $61 per hour for maintenance staff.


That resolves the fee question. Still the "local Republicans" only stands apparently unchanged. It's shortsighted. But their party. The grapes probably are sour anyway. Let them have their love fest. Hopefully a Blue Wave can wash out to Anoka County, HD 35A, in November.

However, bottom line, having an exclusivity position for their party events is okay, but the notice posted on the public section of the GOP SD 35 website was ambiguous and implied a public event. That was error.

The fivesome is not without at least one credible candidate; which is not to suggest that candidate prospers to an endorsement and/or primary victory. Bless them all.

____________FURTHER UPDATE______________
I believe this is the Facebook page of the DeeDee Larson who emailed me, judging from the "Likes." One of the Legacy Christian Academy crowd. Minnesota Family Council liked. Paul Ryan liked. Up top, liked:

Newt Gingrich, Americans for Prosperity, Michele Bachmann, Mike Pence, American Majority, FreedomWorks, Citizens United,

Different strokes for different folks. The GOP Koolaid crowd loves its icons.

_________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Any kinship here? Also, why not a "like" for Norm Coleman? Seeing Norm as too much like Nancy Pelosi? What? No like for Ivanka? For Jarad? The criteria are a mystery. With that couple cold-shouldered, one looks for a Bannon "like," and one sees none. Wha's 'appening? No Pawlenty. No Weaver, not any of them. Not Jason Lewis. Neither Karen Housley nor the hockey husband. Not Freedom Club. Stauber? Mac Hammond? How many of the five forum speakers who are this year's HD 35A House candidates made the DeeDee Facebook like list? Just saying. Not even Mandy.

_________FURTHER UPDATE___________
It could be a different DeeDee. That said, here is the "like" list from Facebook, as of the time this post update is published:

Chris Barden on Policy & Politics, Northgate Church Minnesota, Newt Gingrich, Americans for Prosperity, Michele Bachmann, Mike Pence, American Majority, FreedomWorks, Citizens United, Connections Church, Dan Severson for Secretary of State, The Truth Project, Senator Michelle Benson, Senator Jim Abeler SD 35, Matt Walsh, Winnie Obike, Novitzke for House, Heinrich for House, Ben Shapiro, Keith Downey for Governor, Fergus Falls Hockey Association, Liberty Upheld, Donald J. Trump, Stuff, Tinki Viral, The Daily Caller, PragerU, Minks Cleaning LLC, Family Policy Alliance, Foundations Christian School, Adam's Hardwood Floor Sanding and Refinishing, Dinesh D'Souza, Trump News, Donald Trump Is Our President, The Cotton Candy Co., Conservative Nation, Governor Mike Pence, Donald Trump For President, Rush Limbaugh, Look for County Commissioner, Kirk Cameron, Dennis Michael Lynch, Blaine HS Veterans Day Program, Breitbart,, Nick Hall, Together, Senator Dan Hall,, Field Law, P.A., ‎‎Colson Center, Hockey Ministries International/Christian Hockey Camps, Expedition Teams, UND Fighting Hawks-Sioux Hockey, Capstone Homes, Inc., Conservative Action News Network, Alpha News, Brad Sunderland, David Barton/WallBuilders, Franklin Graham, Billy Graham, American Family Association, ‎Faves USA, Republican National Committee, Stand with the Duggars, Dr. Ben & Candy Carson, Elise Schmitter Photography, Something Sweet by Maddie Lu, ‎‎Kjerstin Thea Photography, ‎‎Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו‎, Child Protection League Action‎‎, Pipsydoo, Poppy Lane, Abigail Whelan for House, Hockey Ministries International - MN‎‎‎, Stars and Stripes Forever PAC, Legacy Christian Academy, Minnesota Advocates and Champions for Children, Young Conservatives, Robertson Family Values, Bethlehem Star, Minnesota Family Council, Thrivent Financial, Minn Report, Del Tackett - Teacher, Mari Keisling, Live Your Faith Ministries, The Six-Second Project, Minnesota Majority, Minnesotans for Israel, IJR Red, Minnesota for Marriage, Paul Ryan, NRSC, Mitt Romney, Chip Cravaack, The Tea Party, SD 35 Republicans, Peggy Scott for MN House, George W. Bush, Happy 4th of July - Share this flag

All that, no Paulsen, no Aplikowski. No Niska. No Lucero. Big list. Several omissions. No Rhonda. No Matt Look. With that last omission if she ever runs for any office she's unlikely to get a Buccholz whopping discount on signs, whatever color they might be. Abigail Whelan made her "like" list. Warren Limmer did not. And here's Limmer, giving the Republican gang sign.

My God! No Watchdog. Nor his Taxpayer League. Nor his "newspaper" maven.