
Thursday, March 08, 2018

Examples of effective candidate and/or issue messaging.

Ian Todd, CD6 Democratic candidate, by email, tight, generic, but message is check my online detail, with links given in the original:

My name is Ian Todd and I am running for Congress here in Minnesota's 6th district. Our campaign team is young, energetic and ready to take on Tom Emmer. We've hit the ground running ever since I completed my active duty military service in the Air Force just a few months ago.

In the past two months, I have held several town halls and public Q&As which is more than our opponent Tom Emmer has held in an entire year, and the people of CD6 have noticed. Together we can make a difference in our community and in our nation, but in order for that to happen, we need your help.

Check out my website and my Facebook page, and if you are tired of the lack of action from Congress and like my values then I would encourage you to donate to my campaign or volunteer so that we can build a better path for CD6.

The Land Stewardship Project sent a pre-caucus email hitting some issue highlights and referencing a guide - A Vision for Rural Minnesota - which raised some key rural Minnesota issues from a stewardship perspective and otherwise focused on continuity of rural community strength, with the two page item presented in the screencaptures (click each thumbnail to read or follow the above link to the pdf document):


On the other hand -
One cannot have consultants telling local community volunteer workers wondering about approaching a rural part of a Congressional District apart from the suburban part, to tell them a nice story about growing up in a trailer camp. That is wrongly condescending. It is offered as if expecting rubes, not intelligent rural people with actual concerns they'd want understood and addressed. Such error should never occur, certainly it would not be expected twice. (This link, word search the item = rural.) Craig may get a second bite at the apple, DCCC thinks that proper, while Erdmann's observation rings true but might have been moot if Craig in return, first bite, took on DC consultants that DCCC foisted upon her and firmly said "No. No way." The beltway is insular in its ways and means, entrenched being another fit word.

As reported before, Craig in a CD2 candidate forum showed promising actual passion over important issues, something wholly stamped into oblivion in an already noted creepy-awful 30 second soundbite ad, noted in a closing parargaph of the post, below. If she ends up the endorsed CD2 candidate a second time, may her advisers be a cut above last time. Or policed better by Craig, herself. And may she and campaign staff read the above two-page screen capture, as Erdmann likely will do or has done from being subscribed to the Land Stewardship emailings already.

For those who might show more interest:

the pre-caucus page mirroring the email sent to subscribers -and-

The page to contribute and sign up for emailings:

The pre-caucus post had sidebar links to proposed resolutions. Unfortunately, the pre-caucus page with its proposed resolutions was not known to me before precinct caucusing. Presumably others in more rural precinct areas than mine assured suitable rural-oriented stewardship resolutions were proposed for platform consideration. The DFL having the "F" part has to mirror that history within its platform.