
Thursday, March 08, 2018

A question for every Republican candidate, every venue.

What is your proposal to keep assault weapons out of schools? How would you make certain this gets done?

If they go tail between their legs to the NRA for an answer, they will discover the NRA has only one answer, buy, buy, buy. And if you don't buy for yourself and family, then make it easier for others to buy, buy, buy.

They don't care about sportsmen, women who hunt, and families where children are brought up to hunt. That involves concern for habitat and ecological balances, and long rifles, not handguns nor semi-automatic large magazine weapons with bump stocks. Who do you know that hunts deer with a handgun?

NRA's aim is to lobby incessantly for an industry which like most, is attuned to the idea: sell, sell, sell. Put otherwise, NRA is a whore, as are those carrying its water.

Who but a studied deceiver would use the rubric, "American Rifleman" for the clear focus of:

And check same site, "NRA Gun Of The Week" with a range of Rifleman hunting arms displayed: how about that Bullpup9?

You can easily envision getting your deer or bear hunting license, dressing in protective orange, and going into the woods with your trusty Bullpup9, right? Because you are a rifleman. Right?

____________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Talk about tiny figleaves.