
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Compare and contrast styles.

First, Conor Lamb [not Connor as previoiusly written], a 30-sec sound bite advertisement - this past special election; last election, and an Angie Craig 30-sec sound bite advertisement. Conor looks at the camera and speaks and you get a feel of a candidate you can believe and who has his mind right. Craig, moving around an office with an insipid smile and doing a voiceover. Craig in this cycle's two candidate forum events has shown an equal trustworthy and dedicated persona to what she says she believes and aims for. Go figure. Some idiot scripted and charged big buck for that awful turn-off Craig thing, and should be keel hauled.

Next, first step the DC banking lobbyist does is locally shake the money tree and then heads to Florida to shake another money tree, and has not even yet told people he intends to run for jack.

Phony is as phony does. Yet Craig is not the phony-looking smiling cardboard image her 30 sec thing implied. With the Conor Lamb showing in a western Pennsylvania red district, the Blue Wave seems to be coming, doubt that then ask Roy Moore. Hence, Craig or Erdmann which one is endorsed since each has said he/she would abide, have a shot to win the seat in Congress Jason Lewis now holds, by running on Lewis' record, in tune with Paul Ryan and Trump/Pence.

AGAIN - There are two candidate forum events online, YouTube, here and here. (In reverse chronological order?)

Phony is as phony does. Pawlenty is as Pawlenty does.

DC - lobbying. Florida - money. Are there any questions about that? Compare and contrast that man with either of the CD2 DFL candidates.