
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

After the Conor Lamb - Rick Saccone ballot count in yesterday's Pennsylvania special election - the great news is paper ballots exist for a recount.

Lamb declared victory.

As in Minnesota, paper ballots - at least the "absentee" early voting option - exist and are run through an optical scanner.

Presuming the same paper-scanner method was used at polling places, there is a paper trail.

For trust in elections there should always be that paper trail to check again, if needed. Surely ballots can be lost or stowed, fault being either negligence or intent, but with electronic only voting, go figure. You can have an electronic failure, and what do you go back to?

Nationwide use of paper ballots is not a luxury with lower-cost options to be sold for some corporation's profits. They are a necessity.

And last, a look at Minnesota's CD2 and the Blue Wave likelihood/possibility -- Jason Lewis is not the stiff Saccone seems to be, he IS glib, where some might say to a fault. Yet one thing learned from the Pennsylvania special election - park Air Force One out of district if you are a Republican seeking to keep or win a House seat.

Do you remember at the end of the second W term, how Air Force One was parked after the housing bubble scuttled W and he had super low popularity? This time arguably will be "W keep out of my district" redux. And W for all his faults did not have the fault of being an egotistical wholly sociopathic blowhard with Stormy Daniels baggage to boot.

If the Dems take majorities in both houses of Congress, expect a Speaker other than Pelosi, third in line in succession to the Presidency, with the only roadblock being how to unseat Pence from his second place in line. Perhaps God will give Pence the message Michele Bachmann received this go-round and he will defer. Perhaps pigs will fly, given how Pence ambition far outstrips Pence ability.

So how can Pence be scuttled? No Stormy Daniels help there, so how? What? How can Pence be Spiro Agnewed?