
Saturday, February 24, 2018

Two video items: Speakers who have a message - DFL candidates for Governor [2 having suspended campaigns since the forum]. Then, honoring a giant, 1999, Wellstone.

Prior posting dealt with CD6, CD8, and CD2. A phone canvasser called two days ago on behalf of Erin Murphy. We chatted a bit, and she asked my thoughts about CD3. I had to admit I was uninformed about the DFL candidacies there. For that reason, I leave coverage of that DFL endorsement contest to others. However, Paulsen needs to be voted out. Paulsen has been a town hall no-show, and wants the 1% to love him as much as Paul Ryan loves him for voting in lockstep with the Ryan agenda against the people. Beyond this intro disclaimer of ignorance (but not feeling CD3 unimportant), the post is about two YouTube links for DFL leaning people to see and think.

First, this hour and a half governor candidates forum held by the CD5 DFL. 506 views are too few. Not having met or spoken at any length to any of the individuals willing to run, the web is how I see who is who. As readers know, Thissen and Coleman have withdrawn, but their comments remain interesting.

Second, Wellstone on line, one hour, 803 viewings is too few to see and understand progressive ideals in a conversational context apart from candidate speeches and hot-button issues. The green bus lives on, thanks to our collective memories and our willing embrace of young progressive minds and their intents and needs.

Watch each video. It is time deserved by qualified good people.

The Republican side of things: Please always remember the bankers' servant/lobbyist with his millionaire "round table" annual salary for log-rolling for Wall Street. For one percent'ers. And who also was a "special guest" speaker on behalf of the South Carolina guy for Congress who after Trump appointed him to CFPB kills federal government lawsuits against payday lender usurers. So from the top yacht-class of lenders to the bottom feeders using payday lending to unfairly disadvantage the easiest to exploit, up and down the debt imposition spectrum, Tim Pawlenty has chosen to serve as an unwavering mouthpiece of money.

UPDATE: For the documentary on the political history of Wellstone, this YouTube link (an hour and a half; 3500 views). It resonates with where today's DFL candidates for Governor have moved since Wellstone's service for the nation. Bernie echoes much of what Wellstone stood for. This time may it take hold and progress. Each inspired the young when speaking to them. Bernie does not precisely channel things Wellstone said, but the parallel is notably close.