
Monday, February 26, 2018

Anoka County Board: Humor where you least expect it. Matt Look, MATT LOOK, is critical of others as having a "history of complaints, discontent and a spirit of malcontent."

Really. This Feb. 24, 2018, link to the report.

Sentinel of the self unaware.

The item reports:

But other county board members supported the agreement. Commissioner Scott Schulte said he believed the three-year contract would solve a lot of the discontentment and get everyone working in a solid effort.

What part of the discontentment would not be solved? Look's apparently.

But wait. There's more. November, 2016, reporting:

County Board votes itself salary increase -- By Peter Bodley

The Anoka County Board members will get a salary increase in 2017.

As part of a compensation package resolution for non-union employees next year, the board Nov. 22 unanimously approved a pay raise for itself from $63,614 to $65,522, a 2.99 percent increase.

[emphasis added] Some households just must have more needs, probably, while other households have wants. The Board must be alert to needs vs wants, somebody said that in the past. Now who was that? Oh, yeah. That guy, seeking reelection in 2016:

“Through innovative approaches, this County Board has become the envy of counties,” Look said. [...] according to Look, who said the focus has been on needs vs. wants, a campaign promise Look had made.

Taking the liberty, above, of condensing a message consistency from non-sequential self-congratulatory reported utterances - when you both want and need a raise for yourself a vote can be unanimous.

Isn't history great as a teacher?

Irony aside, the County reaching agreement with unions serving public works needs is good news. Also good news, electronic voting registers for use in this year's election process in Anoka County, making the largely volunteer [with a stipend too] job of election judges easier and more trouble free.