
Saturday, February 03, 2018

Thoughts inspired by the Nunes memo and FISA, which Congressional Republicans and Democrats keep reauthorizing. Is FISA a potentially bad or at least troubling can being kicked down the road, in light of kinds of questions that can exist?

subpage: = Carter Page

Nice. Tight. Not a diverse "management" by cadre. "Company:"

Global Energy Capital makes investments in the energy sector primarily in emerging markets including the "BRIC" countries. The firm is mainly focused on the oil and gas sector, as well as the oil-field service and alternative energy sectors. Global Energy Capital's extensive international experience and network ensures it as a superior partner for its portfolio companies.


Global Energy Capital is an investment management established to create value in the energy sector's emerging production regions. By bringing together its unparalleled base of experience and relationships and capital, Global Energy Capital is uniquely positioned to execute this value proposition for its investors.

Global Energy Capital has extensive experience in energy finance across public and private equity investment, corporate finance and investment banking. Its founders have advised on, arranged and provided investment capital along almost every step of the hydrocarbon value chain in a broad range of developing markets. Global Energy Capital leverages this experience through extensive target due diligence and investment monitoring procedures.

In entering an investment, Global Energy Capital aligns the interests of shareholders and aims to minimize market, political, corporate and legal risks. As an investor, Global Equity Capital creates value by assisting portfolio companies to identify improvements in the business and operational plans.

Global Energy Capital's rigorous investment process, outstanding partners and unparalleled insights into emerging energy producing regions accelerates an investment's growth prospects.

The Nunes memo centers upon initial and renewed FISC [FISA court] authorization to monitor Carter Page's communication; hence presumably including the firm's phone and Internet traffic. A window into energy trading by a boutique trading firm, where we all know what the "R" in the BRIC stands for, would be an obvious part of any monitored communications. Trading is all Carter Page's firm appears to do, from its web self-description.

Strib reports a big investment market swing, yesterday. Monitoring insider communications of a savvy firm might give insider information to the monitors, who might via relatives and very close firms trade on the insider information. "Might." Not saying "did." Just "might." Front-running a big market swing could be profitable to personal portfolios of those in bureaus having actively traded retirement savings.

The FBI and/or others have somehow disclosed [a/k/a "leaked"] into public media that Carter Page was earlier a person of interest before the Nunes focused FISC activity. E.g., WSJ paywalls detail behind a lead paragraph assertion that "for years" Page was "known to U.S. counterintelligence officials." Presumably WSJ did not have as much knowledge that way than the FBI itself, "for years," had. You know, possibly, just possibly, Page's communicaiton was monitored "for years" since Nunes minions show FISC reauthorization seems a regular thing, in practice, even if not within legislative intent of Congress in fashioning FISA provisions.

Segue to another hypothetical. Tillerson/Exxon back when Tillerson was boss had big money dealings tabled; sanctions being involved, again this link. With the "R" in BRIC, same "R" as Page's boutique.

If dimes to thousand dollars boutique trading/communication sparks "counterterrorism" communications interest; would you in the normal course of events expect the bigger bucks of the top oil/gas firm in the nation would also attract a modicum of interest, "for years" perhaps?

So -

- How long was Page actually monitored?

- Was Tillerson and EXXON equally monitored "for years?"

- How the fuck would we know or be able to find out, we as citizens or those of concentrated mainstream media even, if the FBI had an ear it wished to keep quiet; given the very nature of FISA?

- Could insider trading by monitoring personal or surrogates in the market pass unknown to trading regulators "for years" if encased in FISA secrecy?

- Would you like a Congressional Committee to ask such questions, and might they have already done so, but in a "TOP SECRET" way, given how the less hot a topic of the Nunes memo was "TOP SECRET" before and until in recent days it wasn't - the disclosure going to the White House before done?

- If something as ("That's it?") tepid as the Nunes memo was fought tooth-and-nail by the FBI against public disclosure, would a bigger-buck ear to EXXON, with or without insider trading as an added taint, be even more of a "TOP SECRET" crown jewel?"

- Would a window into EXXON insider communication present an insider trading golden opportunity, or would you expect it would be just instance after instance of calling home to the wife about late for dinner, or arranging to pick up the kids after a soccer practice, the EXXON employee conversing about that with her husband - stuff with no strategic trading or counterintelligence interest attached?

Curious minds can ask questions. Empowered minds able to force answers should ask questions too. Presumably empowered committee members could ask the FISC for its records, as well as going after records of the FBI and other agencies coming to mind, NSA perhaps, regarding possible in-agency rogue trading, since the responsible top managers would never stoop to coarse dealings, but always there might a rogue under the rug.