
Friday, February 02, 2018

Here's grist for the precinct caucus experience.

This link.

Seventeen people mentioned. For the Dems.

That's what the Republicans did; ergo, Trump over the dwarfs, Dem side, and ain't that greaat?

In the TV segment explored, Tulsi Gabbard? She got a mention? More, a shoutout? View it several times. NOT.

And a different segment, different outlet, potential presidential timber or 2020 - wow, a big list. Did a freeze on the image, counted, not seventeen.

Nineteen. Warren? MIA. Bernie? Too Old. Tulsi? Too Young I guess. Any other tie of commonality? To the never thought to mentions? Randy Bryce, other fish to fry. Excuses ARE easy. [UPDATE: Cornel West, bad hair.]

It is the Republican 2016 "innovation" so let's us do it since it trumped the little dwarfs; Marco and Jeb! included.


UPDATE: Images added. It seemed appropriate after the "Look at Politico link, frontrunner."

FURTHER: The old farts half hour. ALSO: If you would, old fats farts twenty minutes.

FURTHER; That second old farts link above, it gets interesting at 14:30 or so, but before that too. From the start. NAFTA discussed; and well, Trump did make promises of NAFTA being a bad deal, deal expert such as he claims to be. What have you seen in his renogtiation of NAFTA? Right same as the Mexicans paying for his wall. Part of the second item, trade incentives to multinational corporate powers, besides cheaper laber outside of our nation they got written into things, not clear NAFTA and the TPP proposal both or which, the right to have lesser regulation and - get this - if other nations changed regulations the perps could sue for compensation over lost revenue from such changes. Figure out the incentives with our nation not allowing such nonsense but trade pacts imposing it on other governments which might want to regulate more responsibly. The thrust out corporate hand, pay money, how does all that sort out? U.S. labor, do the math, even figuratively, back of an envelope. It is history, know it or suffer its consequences without knowing wha's 'appining.

Title bands along the bottom of the video, changed from time to time, are helpful to see as topics shift.

FURTHER: How the 2016 vote was distributed, by categories, not, however broken down into finer groupings such as millenial-women vs. millenial-men; however, what's shown? You decide. Websearch; and three sites, here, here and here. Beyond those three the search links were not followed here. There might be more helpful links lower in the hit list. How might this effect caucus attitudes, and inner party beltway control centers of the Democratic Party, the thinking of what needs to be done to win without concession to progressives - which is the beltway/donor/lobbyist goal. How might the flood of concentrated media propaganda be aimed, MSNBC, FOX, others. How, besides seeing the flood the field with faces as the Repulicans did to the Trump choice ramp-up, will the DCCC and DNC try to disenfranchise progressives? Besides superdelegates beholden to the beltway control centers and the donor/lobbyist garbagemen? If progressives don't think, are lazy, they will be hoodwinked by propaganda and "well, better at least than Trump" being the foremost mantra to be repeated incessantly; and if that crap is done as expected, do they stay home again and give Trump/Pence four more years of the spoils to try to coerce better behavior from Tom Perez, Biden, those corporatists?