
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Yachts of the Rich and Famous: Yachts don't lie, but their proximity can be coincidental or at best, inarticulate without presumtions, assumptions, probabilistic online reports, compilations, etc..

Read about it; this link, (source of screencapture)

Read more?

A compilation (a link buffet).

Kos, here and here.

Here, here and here, same Texan press outlet.


WaPo, here. Texan news again. More of the same (with images).

More about "coincidental" proximity?

A Subreddit.

RENTEC folks know how to hedge.

Getting cumulative. Ditto, but detailed. coverage of Robert Mercer.

Closing with a lengthy Guardian item. Some of the links are dated; yachts together being "new news" which cannot be faked.

Will the seven billion dollar RENTEC tax liability effort stick, or disappear deep-sixed from yacht decks and such? Time passes, puzzle peices fit together later, sometimes; other times never. If oligarchs and analytics mix, what's the outcome?

Ending the post: Politico, about the Mercers with Nick Ayers mentioned. Young Nick, (not Old Nick - by age), has a Wikipedia page and appears in images worth taking to heart.

None of the three currently owns a yacht:

Last regarding Young Nick; a Pawlenty tie-in which to some in Minnesota is poison, but opinions differ.

Is any reader out there a tax bill expert who, via a comment might answer; has the Republican tax bonanza thing been written to foreclose any IRS dislike and taxation pursuit of hedge fund "basket option" hijinks; per RENTEC, etc. This websearch shows no answer. Yet it is feasible that hidden away in many pages a RENTEC present may lurk. It is one of those interesting questions about which no reporting seems to exist; which in itself is interesting.

____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
Readers may also find this online item helpful in understanding the past use of basket options having a life greater than twelve months, and in learning that Deutsche Bank per the item ceased dealings in long-term basket options. The implication is that RENTEC did it all before any such change and that the tax liability question relates to such earlier dealings. Another relevant link. Someone with tax law expertise should look at the recent federal tax legislation to see if RENTEC got any buried bonanza. Without any more information we should presume none exists unless some enterprising person reports otherwise, based on the actual language of the Act, or its reasonable interpretation.

___________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
This IRS Bulletin 2015-30 is helpful, and relatively short yet detailed. It is one of those "don't try to be too cute" things that arise from time to time, the government speaking, the wealthy tricksters listening, sometimes.

__________FURTHER UPDATE____________
With that opening image from the British Virgin Islands, ostensible yacht ownership being identified, it took all the restraint I could muster to not caption the post, "PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN." Robert Mercer and some second other oligarch fit into such captioning when changing in latitude but not attitude.