
Friday, January 19, 2018


A full-page screencapture, either click the thumbnail to enlarge and read, or go to the original page.

If neither clicking the thumbnail nor accessing the original, the gist of the post is that a rumor allegedly exists that Ramsey City Council At Large Member John LeTourneau is considering a GOP candidacy for the open Minnnesota House District 35A seat (the one to be vacated by current GOP occupant, the Jesus-crazy Ms. Abigale Whelan, see May 24, 2017 reporting and embedded video, (respectively online here and here)).

With that great embarrassment to sane folks in HD 35A in mind, LeTourneau seems and has always seemed a traditional Republican in attitude. He is a former small business owner who has experienced business ups and downs before achieving a city council seat, that kind of Republican, but he has never posed as or seemed to be a Dominionist. He seems to have always had his feet grounded more in the small-business bloc of the GOP for all I know of him. Clearly the anonymous Ramsey Reflector (whose identity we can guess at) sees things differently, and differing opinions have always been the basis of political evolution, good or bad.

BOTTOM LINE: If the Republicans are sagacious enough to not parade out yet another offensive Doinionist of the Whelan stripe, they might gain a greater measure of respect among DFL and independent voters turned off by the likes of Michele Bachmann and/or Abigale Whelan, each of whom seem keen on sowing widespread divisiveness with a pious veneer.

COINCIDENTALLY: It seems noteworthy that the anon. reflector seems to have been honky dory with Bachmann and with Whelan, no bad reflections being aimed at either, so we can judge a flock member by cohorts.

MOREOVER: DFL candidate Andy Hillebregt deserves the seat, in my view (where opinions can differ), and readers are urged to check his campaign website:

Which is a personal reminder. I have not yet sent his campaign my contribution - my step aimed at fostering the best government representation we can have in HD 35A.

Andy, the check will be in the mail.

What House District 35A needs, is less of this. More focus on the economy and jobs; not the hereafter of any particular legislator, nor mongering for stupidities in the name of a religious orientation. LeTourneau, should he gain the GOP nod and gain more votes than Hillebregt, likely would not indulge in any such junketing for dumbness, and that would be refreshing.

Why the anon. Ramsey Reflector goes silent on such stuff is a mystery. Likely, some bias at play. But really.

___________FURTHER UPDATE___________
If the anon. reflector dislikes Weaver Republicans, he should more clearly state the feeling. LeTourneau surely seems a Weaver Republican. Not as affluent as the Weavers, but akin in outlook. When he was a shopkeeper I'd bet LeTourneau was a Chamber of Commerce member. Go figure.

___________FURTHER UPDATE___________
A closing impression: Perhaps in reading the reflector's language, "LEAST CONSERVATIVE, BIGGEST SPENDING, MOST ARROGANT Ramsey City Council member [...] AS A REPUBLICAN," that usage does bring to mind John Weaver, as well as Tim Pawlenty and his law school Weaver classmate. So perhaps indirectly Weaver Republicans are noted as not favorites of the reflector. They assuredly differ from Abigale Whelan. Aside from gender. Making it clear here I embrace neither Weaver Republicans, nor theocratic Dominionists. Bernie rocks. Close the post on that note.