
Monday, January 15, 2018

Was lil' JBS III blowing a giant mj smoke screen the last few days to obscure Trumpster-bankster hanky-panky? Seems possible. JBS III being who he is, would you guess: likely? [UPDATED]

Related but not entirely cumulative links, HuffPo, half a year ago; BoingBoing, by Cory Doctorow, five days ago; SacBee, five days ago.

UPDATE: Bloomberg, 5 days ago. A pdf letter, from a bit more than half a year ago.

FURTHER: Within the first hundred days; Preet sacked: NYT, NPR.

FURTHER: Sad. Websearch returned links not as hoped for.

FURTHER: Reader help requested via a comment. Is there anyone out there reading who knows of any online record of anything that might stick to Mike Pence, or is he teflon coated and careful?

FURTHER: This link re Pence and teflon, so far. That item was published days ago. From May of last year, this item.