
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Privateers are raping the nation.

UnitedHealth profiting obscenely off the ill and infirmed; a business model from hell needing an end, yesterday being too late for such reform. The more they deny individuals coverage or the higher they force copays, the more money they generate by having a license to hold folks up with no public option; no progressive plans such as Canada's or in place in high-wealth European nations.

It is an imposition upon the citizens of this nation that NEVER should have ever happened; and it needs to end.

Vote your interests in 2018. Vote against the obscene pirates of the health-industrial complex.

UPDATE: Readers, do your web research. Russia treats its healthcare national needs in a more civilized way than the US of A does. Because they care? Because it simply makes good sense?

Russia, for all their oligarch looting is the more civilized healthcare nation. Go figure.