
Friday, January 26, 2018

THE TEXT OF MONTANA GOVERNOR BULLOCK'S NET NEUTRALITY EXECUTIVE ORDER: Governor Dayton, and every governor candidate wanting to be elected in the November 2018 Minnesota general election should commit to this three page policy, or lose. Governor Dayton, you presently have the power.

Each image is a page of the three page executive order online here:

It can be accessed from the list of Executive Orders issued by Governor Bullock:

Click each thumbnail image to enlarge and read, or simply access the original. Here are the pages.

There should be no questions. If you disagree with the aim of this order's text you are a captive of fascist enterprises. If that, please go elsewhere on the internet and prepare for voting again for Trump in 2020, since he is the appointing force that placed Verizon-kept hatchet-man Ajit Pai onto the FCC for the purpose of poisoning the well.

The document speaks for itself. Decency and good instincts compelled Montana's Governor to act. May we all appreciate his first step from a state's chief executive, and may we hope that the plug-in template form of his effort grows legs among well intentioned Governors nationwide.

Starting in Minnesota