
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Nanny State Shoutout, Where Art Thou: Where are Minnesota legislators professing "state's rights," as a treasure, on the Sessions Weed War? Is it some "state's rights" ring the bell and get the brass ring, others not so? If it is unclear, what would you guess?

At least one legislator in an email professed a strong belief in states' rights. I respect that communication as a sound statement of principle rather than a sometimes sunny, sometimes cloudy thing.

Others, who knows? On the web, there is this:

Other lawmakers remain concerned about the collection of personal data under the ID requirements and what they view as federal overreach. Those criticisms fueled 2009 legislation to ban state implementation. Lawmakers reversed the ban last session.

Rep. Abigail Whelan, R-Anoka, said she thinks the state should still hold off on implementing Real ID. She said travelers will still be able to use passports or enhanced drivers’ licenses.

“The concerns regarding the federal government’s encroachment upon state’s rights outweigh the potential risk regarding adding an extra step to our citizens’ travel plans,” Whelan said.

To be clear, the email mentioned in the opening paragraph was not from Whelan. However, her statement of her position as a "states rights" belief merits the same respect as accorded the emailed statement. Whelan claiming "states rights" convictions stands without any clear cause to doubt it. Hence, one should expect consistency, i.e., that Whelan would be supportive of those states that have legislated a permission of medical marijuana and those fewer that have gone all the way to decriminalize, regulate and tax recreational marijuana use.

Would you believe otherwise? Why would you? Why would any "states rights" maven feel otherwise?

Nanny State: GOP leaning people in Minnesota have sometimes used "Nanny State" terminology and it is Nanny State what Sessions is up to, privatized prison connections and all. (See, e.g., here, here, here, here, here, here, here, re privatized prisons and Sessions. This Strib image.)

Online Minnesota Nanny State disrespect, EdWatch first coming to mind: here, here, here, here, a press usage here.

Seemingly, one of the frequent "nanny state" bleats comes from opponents of indoor [tobacco] smoking bans; so where is the ouctry from these I smoke where I want to hyper-personal-liberty-buffs over "Nanny State" Sessions' disregard of marijuana related "states rights?" If you guess missing in action, good for you. Gold star awarded if you guessed correctly.

Yet, smoking pleasure is smoking pleasure, whichever ox is gored. Or not? Why the deafening silence for one smoke and cacaphony for another? Go figure.

Washington and Colorado seem very at peace with their systems, Oregon, California also seemingly so. Liberty over tyranny, all that!

So the Sessions' Nanny State does not overlap as an issue the Nanny State's imposition upon family reproductive choices, yet the folks bleating Nanny State when their biases get squeezed are first to rally with torches and pitchforks in other instances of heavy boots standing on reasonable liberties [how about cancer ridden tobacco one way, medicinal marijuana the other, with dangerousness turned upside down].

Close with an image:

Those not liking their pejorative phrase handed back to them should quit using it. Political discourse would improve.