
Friday, January 16, 2015

Harold Hamilton weighs in on Tom Emmer voting for John Boehner as Speaker of the House.

On an earlier Crabgrass post that has since scrolled off the "front page," here, the tempest in a Tea Pot over Emmer voting for Boehner as House Speaker was vetted. Watchdog musings on that are online, the gist being:

Our friends over at the Minnesota Tea Party Alliance are freaking out over Tom Emmer's vote this week in favor of John Boehner as House Speaker.

Of course, that angst has manifested itself with the requisite lack of perspective, strategic thought, and class we've all come to expect from the leadership of this organization.

Their press release showed one of those grainy, black and white negative ad photos we've all seen a million times, with a red "BETRAYED" label running across Emmer's face.

[...] Emmer committed a mortal sin by apparently not returning some phone calls quickly enough.

Hey, when the head honcho at the Tea Party Alliance calls, Congress better answer! Pronto!


Look, Emmer voting for Boehner isn't a big deal. It [alone] doesn't signal that he's in the pocket of the Establishment or that Emmer is a failure. You may want to wait more than one day or for more than one vote before jumping to that conclusion.

[...] Get serious. We're wearing tri-corner hats here, not tinfoil hats.

[...] The world isn't going to end because Tom Emmer voted for Boehner.

Emmer isn't Karl Marx because of the vote.

[bracketing added]

Tell those tea idiots that Boehner, he's not Karl Marx either, nor is Harold Hamilton. (Besides other differences: No beard, short hair for each. Each dumber than Marx. Less accomplished.)

Don't you like the ambiguity in the one woofer's sentence, "... that angst has manifested itself with the requisite lack of perspective, strategic thought, and class we've all come to expect from the leadership of this organization."? I read it as "we've all come to expect from the leadership of this organization" modifying "lack," the lacking being the expectation. Perhaps the intent differed, but expect that bunch to be lacking and you'll be spot on most of the time.

Likewise, Hamilton arguably is spot-on correct about the amount of tinfoil the Tea idiots likely use in the course of fashioning hats for themselves.

Last, like the dog, I thought Sivarajah was brighter than Emmer, and would have done a better job; while Perske trumped both but as a DFL candidate the deck was stacked against him to where Emmer could just sit and not say boo, beyond making a video touting a contractor during the pre-election ramp-up, and win in a district that, after all, repeatedly elected Michele Bachmann, who could never sit saying nothing, except over her ethics probe and the Sorenson payments and other handling of money in Iowa when she had the audacity to suggest she was presidential.

My key expectation of Emmer? A TOMPAC, not unlike MICHELEPAC. He's got his role model. Expect it, and expect the faithful to buy in.