
Sunday, August 03, 2014

GOP US Senate Primary - Strib endorses Abeler over McFadden.

This link. It speaks for itself. No excerpt or commentary here. Read Strib.

UPDATE: Strib gives campaign website links:

Earlier Strib endorsed Sivarajah for the GOP primary contest; CD6 House seat; Crabgrass link (giving the Strib link).

Regarding Ramsey, in the GOP State House District 35A contest Strib has not to my knowledge offered an endorsement for either Boals or Whelan.

FURTHER UPDATE: Giving 2 to 1 odds, your nickle my dime, that a Jenifer Loon GOP primary election endorsement comes through. Any Kihne supporters out there to take the other side of such a bet?

No stakes on Kahn-Noor, DFL side of the ballot.

3 to 1, Otto endorsed, not Entenza.