
Thursday, May 01, 2014

Flip a chairman. Not flip-off a chairman, although one could argue for that. And, not Chariman Bow-Wow. The anti-student Chairman Kline. Send Mike Obermueller to congress to better serve our aspiring young Americans.

You want a story, here are links telling the story of this love-those-phony-schools protector/benefactor.

MPP here, MN political roundtable Kline-related link page here and tellingly, roundtable again, here.

LAST LINKED ITEM: You don't read Harvard, Yale, Stanford or Carleton - OR ANY REAL COLLEGE - on that list of pretender-schools, do you? Go figure that one out. Figure who Kline is serving if not our next generation of worker/leaders. Self-serving, sure; but beyond that, please, connect the dots.

ALSO: Re HD35B, it would help district voters, should Whelan accept the Boals debate challenge, if each were to weigh in on how best to serve aspiring young Americans without the fiscal wherewithal to go Ivy League, but wanting a real vs empty-phony return for incurring student loan debt. Given that Whalen is one of those aspiring young Americans, etc., she, in particular, should have her feet put to the fire on the student debt relief issue. What's her policy, is it in tune with or different from that of Col. Kline?

If she ducks facing that issue, being a career academic, what's Whalen worth?

Aside from Whelan-Boals, back to the Col., look who is pushing fund raising. See who the Col. is. See who the Col. serves.

It is less than an appealing picture. One has to wonder about the man's legislative longevity. It should not be that backward or ill-informed a district, yet he's hung on for multiple terms. Hopefully, Kline's days in Congress should end this election cycle.

The MPP link given among the three above, this item, has a most informative comment (where the comment author's caption gives the link to the second of the three above item-links, the roundtable links-page); that comment stating:

Mac Hall April 30, 2014 at 5:31 pm

It’s simple math
President Obama recognized that at the current low interest rates, the government was making money on students, so he proposed to tie the rate to US Treasuries and adder for processing and loan defaults.
At that time, President Obama would have taken the 3.4% rate to 2.72% while Chairman Kline’s would have raised rates to 4.31%. Now that Chairman Kline let the program end forcing the President to accept a proposal just so that students had something.
Today, the Kline-backed student loan program has been called a “profit-making machine” for the US Treasury and next year rates are forecasted [sic] to increase : Estimated new rate on loans taken out between July 2014 and June 2015 Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans (for undergraduate students) FROM 3.86% TO 5.09% Direct Unsubsidized Loans (for graduate/professional students) FROM 5.41% TO 6.64% Direct PLUS Loans (for parents and graduate/professional students) FROM 6.41% TO 7.64%.

That is real money … that is impacting student’s futures as they are forgoing buying new homes, etc.

Yes, the Obermueller campaign needs to hit Kline hard on this issue.

Mac Hall

In another MPP item, here, (this on the DFL's endorsement of Obermueller for CD2), Burns argues:

Kline is egocentric, reactionary, and none too bright, and his time in Congress has been a disaster for everyone except the corporate honchos that he serves. He needs to go, and in this purple district, we have a legitimate opportunity to make that happen.

Carrying the "nuclear football" was Kline's main claim to fame. And that was years ago. Adrian Peterson could likely do a better job of it, being younger and more fit.