
Friday, May 02, 2014

First, get it right, Abigale Whelan - Justin Boals GOP primary contest to reach the general election against DFL endorsed/unchallenged candidate Peter Perovich - all that is in HD 35A, not 35B. I erred in earlier posting. Now, what's recent advanced-degree graduate Whelan's answer to recent graduate employment woe?

Strib here, this quote:

Philip Gardner, director of Michigan State University's Collegiate Employment Research Institute, says women also "have skill sets that employers want... They have better communications skills. They have better interpersonal skills. They are more willing to work in teams."

Alexa Staudt's job search lasted just three weeks. Before graduating from the University of Texas last spring, Staudt, 23, had landed an administrative position at an online security company in Austin.

"I had marketable skills from my internships" in event planning, marketing and copy-editing and experience working as a receptionist for a real-estate firm, Staudt says.

She's happy with the job and the chance to stay in Austin.

Yet the McKinsey & Company consultancy last year found that 41 percent of graduates from top universities and 48 percent of those from other schools could not land jobs in their chosen field after graduation.

Even in good times, many college graduates need time to find a good job. But researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York concluded earlier this year that "it has become more common for underemployed college graduates to find themselves in low-wage jobs or to be working part time."

The Labor Department reports that 260,000 college graduates were stuck last year working at or below the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. That's down from a peak of 327,000 in 2010. But it's more than double the 127,000 in 2007, the year the recession began.

I really want Whelan on record with something beyond; my ambition is to get elected and others can sink or swim.

That's an inadequate answer, and reeks of Ayn Randism. Let us also hope Whelan does not simply say that for other student/graduates she prays for their encountering fortuitous circumstance.

We need a policy thought, if she has one. A sound policy thought would be best.

I can envision Boals and Whelan each on key, "Don't tax the job creators."

Woo woo. What's that, as sound policy? How's it worked since, as that Strib item noted 2007 Bushco years, with firms like GE using loopholes and not paying taxes? If that answer floats, we'd be out of the doldrums, in fat city. We are not, so that answer has flaws. But, not for those parading around as "job creators," saying what's expected, "Don't tax me." The jobs crisis runs on unabated, as does the "Don't tax the job creators" chorus of false policy.