
Saturday, September 01, 2012

BBC headline - US agencies work to tackle Yosemite's virus outbreak.

This link. A worry is a hantavirus outbreak in Tampa because of the recent rodent infestation.

Reporting is Obama will go to Louisiana to assess damage and how the Federal Government might act to assist and lessen the distress. Rumor is Romney will go to Louisiana too, in order to assess the degree of distress and then make a low-ball offer on behalf of Bain.

Actually that's not factually true, but it does metaphorically serve to focus on differences between the two individuals and the two parties.

Congrats to Andy Aplikowski acting as the GOP CD6 Victory Office Coordinator, having "67 days to convince voters why we need to elect Republicans, why electing Democrats is so bad, and to save this country and state."

Congrats to Chicken Little, for noticing the sky is falling. Such attentive notice by the fowl may be just the ticket to save nation, state, and traditional family values from Federalism and from Liberty (aka choice for those who want it and do not want to impose constrictive and intrusive agendas on other people).