
Thursday, August 30, 2012

I caught a minute of Paul Ryan's speech last night.

The man came across as prone to platitudes (and vapid sound bites), not too bright, egotistical to a fault, and with an agenda. I doubt he will play well to a national audience. He and Romney are an odd couple. Ryan's hair line, that dip in the middle makes him look like he belongs on Starship Enterprise. A minute, more or less, then back to the Twins channel to watch the commercial in progress. It was a better done commercial than Ryan's. Fewer empty platitudes to the Silver Bullet Express.

It bothers me that all of us are paying a humongo pension to Colin Powell whose greatest moment was lying to the UN about WMD, while Ryan has dedicated a large part of his life's work to screwing over almost every other old person besides Powell and a boatload of Old Admirals and Generals who never die, but just fade away. To defense industry jobs. To lobbying.

photo credit
Do you know what General Brent Scocroft is doing these days, besides collecting the pension? Of the three in the picture, Scowcroft is the one who has not died under uncertain circumstances, being still alive; compare here and here.