
Friday, August 24, 2012

When he was a minority voice speaking out on Ramsey's council, I thought Matt Look was serving a good purpose by avoidance of the past practice of unanimous voting on camera after the real stuff had been done at untelevised work sessions [which, curiously, under the current majority bloc remain untelevised].

That was before he quit on Ramsey's council mid-stream, declaring the unfortunate purchase of the distressed vacant Town Center land a success, hastily on Facebook, before chasing the bigger paycheck on the County Board when Berg stepped down. That was before he showed up with suit and pretentious props. Do you think he might have found a bigger flag to wrap himself in? Taking the rocket prop with him to a St. Francis parade? That ineptly done cheesy Mount Rushmore prop thing that's overdue for a garage sale? Who does he think he is? Does he envision a fifth face on Mount Rushmore? Seeing his performances documented by him on Facebook, is it time for a change? Less pomp and circumstance, less self promotion, and more real substance in facing local issues and needs? BELOW: This is Look, on his Facebook page, and to me it's a bit much, and venturing far afield for a County Commissioner currently tasked with the problems of seeing how the Northstar trains are to be kept running on time and adjusted to somehow turn a profit - which is what I would like to see him address in running, as that is his assigned county Commissioner's duty.

click the image to enlarge and view

This spectacle below, from a Happy Days event a few years ago, flag, bunting, "God Bless ..." and using the kids as props. And Mount Rushmore.

Pompous. Stand and run as Matt Look, please, as a local politician with a record who makes signs at home for Republicans, (aka a "small business owner" as he phrases it), and put all jingoistic props aside because as a county board member you are not responsible for anybody's worldwide Manifest Destiny. Allison Lister was serving her country for years in the military while Look was printing GOP yard signs, yet Lister stands for herself without any Patriot props. And she does not call herself a "sentinel." She has perspective and restraint. She has class. She is pragmatic, has a balanced agenda-free view, and sees service as County Commissioner as an aim in itself, and not as a stepping stone to further office.

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Some things disappear from the web, but somethings are preserved by interested citizens before scrolling into oblivion with time.

Last cycle, on Facebook, on a single post on Facebook, the man called himself "sentinel" three times and dropped these two bombs.

First excerpt, "fought against government intrusion in private life" and, well, I am against the same thing, and that's why I call myself "pro-choice." With regard to Look, at a guess, the gentleman favors some intrusions into private life, not all, with "government intrusion into private life" to him being a buffet table where you go for seconds of the flavors you like.

And that "promised to be a sentinel- someone who would watch over the business of the city, ensuring that special interests did not prevail," sounds fine in the abstract, but this gentleman voted in the first instance for Landform, and has yet to say "boo" about Flaherty subsidies on an unprecedented scale. Buffet table, again, it appears. And the McGlone employment situation, after all that appeasing special interests, again silence - but I guess the man does not read Crabgrass.

Finally, "sentinel" used three times, and that wrap-up, "[...] I am running to fix the county....expect me at state someday!" Did I say "agenda?" Did I say, "stepping stone?" Well -- he did.