
Friday, August 24, 2012

Strib quotes: "It wasn't about numbers," he said. "It was all about freedom."

This link. See who the speaker is, and weigh the action and the call to liberty and freedom. Are we seeing in Ramsey the founding father of ATV freedoms (not excesses)?

Also from Paul Levy's Strib report:

"With so few people registering, I would question the urgency and why we placed a priority" on the ordinance, Strommen said. "I have had a number of residents who are very concerned from a safety aspect and from a community-image aspect. I remain concerned."

"Community image aspect" is a good choice of words. I remember John Feges, intent on using the word "upscale" for his and Nedegaard's adventuring toward "a billion dollar urban village." Upscale with ATVs on the road? I guess it is all in one's view of what's upscale; and what are important vs unimportant "freedoms."