
Thursday, May 10, 2012

STADIUM VOTE REALITY - The citizens were denied a referendum to have a voice, and were sold down the river by three turncoat republican quitters. One, Jungbauer, is running for the Anoka County Board, so there will be a voter chance to retaliate. Does anyone seriously believe barfly bingo is going to service the bonding debt? Does Jungbauer? Probably not. But ...

Strib posted the house and senate voting, here, this screenshot (as always click to enlarge and read):

The Tale of Three Lame Ducks. The Senate vote was 36-30 in favor of Wilfare, ostensibly to be financed by barfly bingo. Ostensibly, pigs will fly.

A swing of three votes would have defeated Wilfare on a 33-33 tie.

Leaving the Senate, Jungbauer [because he and Michelle Benson were districted together, two GOP incumbents and the convention endorsement went to Benson who had the decency to vote against Wilfare].

Also leaving, Amy Koch and Geoff Michel, a kind of coupled entry given circumstances, though not in the coupled entry sense of Koch and Brodkorb.

All three of those lame ducks voted for Wilfare, and likely can expect gratitude in their private sector lives.

Jungbauer. He is chasing Andy Westerberg's county commissioner paycheck, so is not going fully private sector unless voters in that district show a preference for Westerberg.

Think of the chance, voters there, of this being your stadium referendum. Did you want to be saddled with subdizing millions of public dollars to a New Jersey billionaire? If so, vote Mike. If not, let Mike know at the ballot box. It is that simple. And beyond any and all Zygiworld Wilfare considerations, Westerberg has not done a bad job, so far. Nothing deserving being voted off the board. Or pay attention, Jungbauer might in campaigning make or try to make that case, one way or the other, but I don't see much mud sticking on Andy W., not based on his county board record.