
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mark Dayton, so far, has been a major disappointment. He lied about taxing the rich. He is giving the rich free public subsidy.

And I surely never voted for Ted Mondal for anything. He had Tom Petters' vote, not mine.

And the fiscal conservative Republicans - an equal sham.

I would have been one hundred percent behind pump priming by rational socially helpful spending.

But a billion dollar circus is an insult to any favoring rational and decent government.

And no referendum. "The People's Stadium," they insult us by saying, with the people wholly excluded from the process and deals cut by men in expensive suits behind closed doors. Welcome to twenty-first century America. It's so great to have things to be proud of, such as our state's legislature, its sagacity, its standing above special influence.

I could have lived with bonds paid off by user fees. No, that is too sensible, it has to be barfly gambling.

Sheriff Bill is the Senator from Taverndale.

And they made a mockery of having any session beyond two weeks. If they don't do anything but screw around and collect money, then hold secret meetings to screw the public, what's the use of them?

The open meeting law has been ridiculed and torn apart. If this "every session behind closed doors we were sure to not have a quorem" sells at the top level, every mediocre tiny-town local government will do the same.

The State of Minnesota no longer has any real open public meeting law. It has been de facto repealed.