
Thursday, April 05, 2012

There is moral bankruptcy, and then there is ...

... this.

An excerpt, with much for interested readers in between:

ATLANTA—The health care think tank created by Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich is going out of business.

The Gingrich Group, also known as the Center for Health Transformation, filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in federal court in Atlanta on Wednesday. The bankruptcy filing marks an abrupt turn for a group that raised millions of dollars just a few years ago to support and promote Gingrich's health care ideas.

The center's filings indicate it has liabilities between $1 million and $10 million and between 50 and 99 creditors. The group had assets of only up to $100,000, the filing said.

[...] The filing lists dozens of creditors, including Passantino's law firm McKenna Long & Aldridge, Gallup Inc. and Gingrich Productions, the film company run by Gingrich's wife, Callista.

Should I get my crying towel out, over poor Callista's productions firm being stiffed? Somehow, ... it is hard to get the term "moral bankruptcy" out of mind, when thinking of Newt.