
Thursday, April 05, 2012

Andy A. on his GOP blog has a somewhat meandering post ignoring how his favored person, Michele Bachmann, diddled around with her Iowa roots and then danced back to the Sixth District, saying, "Mine."

This link. In the course of his GOP navel-gazing Andy ignores that she, Ms. Bachmann, from a Sixth District base, could have been as effective - indeed more effective - a Senate candidate against Klobucher than Mark Kennedy, from that same base was.

Bachmann simply lacked the courage and will to face Klobuchar, and a more-likely-than-not defeat and ego thumping. The Bachmann ego is very determinative that way, more so, I think, than God's imperatives communicated to the Bachmann spouses.

Instead of noting Bachmann's treason to the greater GOP good by putting self before party, Andy merely touts one from among a bunch of political lightweights as the new Norm Coleman [able to win against a dead person]. Klobuchar is alive and will remain so in order to swamp any of Andy's named individuals.

And I say all this while being far from enamored with all the compromising Klobuchar has done on that silly and very, very costly to-nowhere bridge, and on the threat of sulfide mining on the cheap, in our State, where irreparable devastation of the environment could result.

Add to it Klobuchar's sorry sponsorship record on SOPA and PIPA, and it's clear Klobuchar has fashioned for herself a lot of self destructive baggage that quite rightly should not play well among progressives and environmentalists. However, none of them will out of spite go do something really dumb such as voting for one of Andy's troopers.

So, hopefully jog Klobuchar away from the right side of the middle of the road, where she seems in a rut, and she will be okay. And she will be decisively reelected, even if staying for no good reason in a rut on the right side of the middle of the road.

This Senate election will not be a case of an Oberstar falling asleep while an ambush was happening. Oberstar going that route has been an object lesson for each and all within the DFL, and this is not an off year election but one where a highly unlikeable Mitt Romney will challenge a still popular incumbent. The worry - coat tails will be insufficient to recapture one or both Minnesota houses to a DFL majority, with the legislature possibly instead remaining in its primitive-and-nasty overzealous-and-confrontational GOP rut.

Perhaps Brodkorb delivers a nice October surprise, perhaps not. But either way, I doubt Romney can be elected president or that a Republican can oust Klobuchar from the Senate. I just don't see either such outcome in reading the tea leaves.

Despite the "doth protest too much" opening disclaimer, it appears Triple-A is demonizing and scapegoating in advance the Ron Paul people, but surprisingly not this possibly more troublesome and intransigently uncompromising batch of zealots. They seem most discordant, and most in Romney's way. I need reader help, from GOP readers. Am I misreading things, or missing some kind of insider message in this? Is there already a Santorum Veep deal in place, with Romney so committed and that known to insiders, or quite far along (Richard Viguerie quote here) and in the works, leaving Ron Paul and Gingrich as odd men out? What's happening?