
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Strib reports Wisconsin lost more jobs than any other state last year. Scott Walker and his alleged "job creator" favorites, debunked. Now, recall the gentleman, and put things on the right track.

This link. For Strib's carried AP feed. Do your own web search = Wisconsin labor statistics, and even if the Strib item does not remain posted, other reporting exists. E.g., here and here.

So, what is Scott Walker good for?

Good for nothing.

An economic disaster. A portent of what others marching to ALEC marching orders can achieve. Mary Kiffmeyer, others in Minnesota, do you want us to be Number One? Stop, please.

For those married to the Grover Norquist "shrink the beast no matter what at every level" mentality, most of the job losses were within the public sector. Those few can rejoice.

For those buying into the falsehood that if government revenue is cut it will somehow morph magically into a private sector job Nirvana, it's a crock, so quit talking it, quit believing there is any truth to it.