
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ramsey - The Council - what are they up to now?

Musical chairs, reported by Sakry, here. Read it and think, what in the world is a "management analyst?"

It is a term somebody on council must have invented. The report has a range of activities that surely sounds like a planning head, with TIF duties overlapping. Kurt should be the only interfact to the HRA mischief, since it is the big time money-sink risk-taking game the council's playing, and the top boss should interface between Darren and the council. It's not good when individual council members are pulling on Darren's sleeve, or colluding on stuff that gets dropped on an agenda/meeting after some are insiders with insider knowledge and others are not. The original sin that way was hiring Darren in the get-go, how that was handled. Dehen and Dave Jeffrey left in the dark until the thing was sprung on them at a meeting, their first notice, no 72-hour advanced notice, if I recall correctly the ABC Newspaper reporting back then.

To repeat, Kurt and nobody lower in the diffused responsibility network should be riding herd on Darren and council members and how Darren reports and responds to the council and to individual members.

With the Sakry report saying "internal recruitment" and eliminating the planning intern thing, either Tim the planner gets kicked upstairs or Tim the engineer gets it and Tim the planner becomes a non-intern regular staff person. Or what? 

Anderson might be considered, he's been a good hire, good working with citizens - with the public - but that "recruited internally" sure seems as if some on Council have already had their heads together and a done deal has been "unofficially implemented," subject to later public notice.

It gives that impression. That somebody on council (or Kurt) already has somebody in mind, and the repercussions and shake out detail will happen along such lines.

Next, not having an open recruitment, not defining a clear job spec and pay level and allowing outside applicants - is that the best way to run a city?

Lots of questions, loose-ends, all of that exists; and is it back to, with different titles, an appearance of having an administrator and deputy administrator, which seemed redundant and was characterized that way in the mayor's precipitous effort to shrink such a structure down by sending Kurt away.

It surely is an invented job title. Yet, it is the politics of it that seems more worrisome than inventing a new position name. Is it that a contract is in place with the public workers union on different jobs and pay ranges, and this invention is a circumvention? Any reader with helpful info is asked to leave a comment.