
Monday, March 19, 2012

This could present an interesting outcome, if ...

If Amy "bridge to nowhere" "irresponsible sulfide mining's okay" SOPA PIPA Klobuchar pays attention.

Big chance. Unless there's a progressive landslide, in Illinois, tomorrow in a Democratic primary.

This link. Facing up to blue dog woofing? "Not a blue dog," the opponent declares.

Without progressives willing to contest things, CHANGE remains somebody's promise.

(Who was that, saying CHANGE, a while ago, then stopping, for some reason? Help me, on that. It seems long ago, in another land ...)

Quacks like a duck, some say, so he should move on? It would be nice to see issues a focus, instead. But the old fashioned truth is name-calling works. It, however, is the kind of thing we routinely expect from Republicans, not Democrats. Not since Strom Thurmond's days.

A challenge exists for discerning readers, and the hope is always for sound on-point reader comments.

photo from here
RESULTS ARE IN. Here, ["Sheyman concedes to Schneider"], also, here and here.

I had hoped some reader would comment on the name-calling thing. I did open with Klobuchar name-calling, but nobody jumped it. HOWEVER - every name I used was issue related, so now I repost a photo of birds of a feather - birdge-wise, not that Amy, generally, would ever be that sanctimoniously egregious - or phony. Some are peerless in who they are and what they do.