
Sunday, February 12, 2012

With Rick Santorum now a presidential candidate who some Republicans, against all reason, believe to be presidential; it is time to look again at the "Santorum Amendment" and "Santorum language."

Start with Wikipedia, here.

Then look to that infernal mischief house in Seattle/Washington State, the Discovery Institute; here and here.

NCSE, here.

Prof. Miller, outraged, here.

Now, would anybody be dumb enough to introduce or even attempt to introduce such creationist evolution-denial language into Minnesota law - to attempt to force schools to teach the "Intelligent Design" flavor of creationism in our schools as if it were "science?" To put us that much further behind the Europeans, Chinese and Indian governments each bent on assuring the best and brightest of their next generations are scientifically literate, and beyond that, adept?

Who would be that stupid and troublesome to want to mess up education in Minnesota?


Jungbauer ; Nienow ; Bachmann ; Reiter ; Hahn

This link. Read the text, here. And remember it was not language invented by those five.

Indeed, aside from that local connection, always remember as the GOP picks a challenger to Obama, for now, in the 21st Century in our treasured nation -- that the instigator of this creationism mischief was:

Rick Santorum

Please do not forget that for a moment.

The man is a clear and present danger to anyone who thinks.

A clear and present danger to anyone who values science.

It appears the Intelligent Design hoaxters have retreated.


But not for lack of effort by Mr. Santorum.

Regrouping, for who knows what. With Santorum their favored banner carrier.