
Monday, February 13, 2012

The Dems and money. The nastiness and sub-mediocre range of GOP offerings is why it's bite your lip and vote for four more years. But there are things that offend when taxing the rich fairly is what will fix the mess, but what may not be a priority of either player in the two party system.

Here. And here. Both items speak for themselves. If there is sucking up to the rich, do not expect the same politicians to really intend to tax them, despite what rhetoric may be fashionable. Yet it is what we need to rebalance the machine and make the "American Dream" a reality for the young and disillusioned.

Money is what is corrupting the system - has corrupted it - will continue to corrupt it.

The Tea Party bleating is disappointing, in ignoring the need to control the power of money in politics, the need to clean up the Washington DC for-sale mentality, which Mark Dayton correctly called a "cesspool."

With Tea Party folks listening to the likes of Michele Bachmann, reform is not going to be on their radar. While Bachmann is far from being one of the 1%, at a guess I would say top 3-5 percent, and not at all charmed with the idea of her own fiscal ox being at risk of being gored. How it is. Not how it should be.

The Tea Party needs to listen to the Occupy movement, to learn, to understand.

Hat tip, for wanting to see the other side's house be in order, here. It needed to be said. Some on that side recognize that a for-sale sign on either party's headquarters is counterproductive.