
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Komen -- Bet you did not know this.

LA Times, yesterday, Feb. 7, reported:

Komen Chief Executive Nancy J. Brinker's 2010 compensation of $417,171 was in line with salaries of heads of other large philanthropies. Among charities that take in between $200 million and $500 million each year, the average chief executive salary is $430,000, according to CharityWatch.

"It's a real eye-opener for a lot of people," said Ken Berger, chief executive of Charity Navigator, which rates the efficiency and organizational stability of nonprofit groups. "But Susan G. Komen is one of the largest nonprofits in the U.S."

A well compensated former Ambassador and head of protocol? Well, remember how the old saying goes, "Charity begins at home." It must not be only an old saying, but a respected Komen protocol.


The Komen CEO salary in 2010 was $459,406 a year.[26] Komen paid founder and CEO Nancy Brinker $417,712 in 2011.

I could not find Karen Handel's compensation level online. The numbers from Wikipedia appear to be straight salary, not salary and value of benefits. I was unable to find a breakdown of who is taking how much out of things before any grants are given; not from the online "audited" summary financials, unless I erred in not knowing where in the 47 pages to look.

I would hope the Senators who expressed dismay over defunding of Planned Parenthood, would look at what that funding level had been before the defunding/refunding for the time being, and compare it to what Komen bosses pay themselves. It might fit interestingly into the coarse and offensively botched spin meistering of Ms. Handel, reported here.

Clearly what was at play from the outraged public was not any kind of "shakedown" but more a moral outrage at lying over pure politics being said to "not be a political decision." The mendacity was what spurred the rage, not any motive to reinstitute the grants or leave them abandoned by the Komen insiders. It was truth that motivated things against dissembling by those still wanting to posture as if standing upon some kind of moral high ground. Characterizing it as a coordinated Planned Parenthood "shakedown" for grant money, when it was a widespread public outrage and exasperation, shows how out of touch with the intelligence of women the Komen leadership cabal was, is and intends to remain.

My expectation is that between Brinker and Handel, their "shakedown" of the Komen treasury together was in excess of the Handel-alleged "shakedown" amount at play in the defunding/refunding of Planned Parenthood, and that if anybody was shaking down the Komen charity it was the founder and cronies.

Patty Murray, please investigate. Follow the money.

The Attorney General of Minnesota as I understand things has jurisdiction over charitable firms and their operations and activities in Minnesota. Hello, Laurie Swanson, please have an Assistant AG send a letter of inquiry.

Mike Hatch would have done that already, by now, attuned as he was to human nature.


It is hard to see the Brinker woman as doing anything but standing on her dead sister's grave taking out nearly half a million a year slick cash while spewing "Promise Me" in a mock self-sacrificial ego tripping sanctimony.

She risks throwing her shoulder out patting herself on the back so much.

What would you call it?