
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Caucusing last evening was mild, on the DFL side, since we had no Santorum stuff to worry over. No flat earth resolutions. No burning of witches or warlocks. No global warming denial.

DFL Precinct Caucus Resolutions - Photo ID: At DFL precinct caucus, Ramsey Ward 1 Pecinct 1 - Congressional Dist 6, present Senate District 48, a standardized language platform resolution was approved against photo ID. I say "standardized" because the identical language was proposed, as I understand things, in each DFL precinct caucusing at Ramsey Elementary.

Taxing the Rich Fairly, Privacy and Remedy, McMansion luxury taxing, and Corporations are NOT People: The four resolutions I proposed were approved, and the gentleman acting as precinct chair, also requested to be on the resolutions committee at the senate district caucus, the next stage in things. However, one was amended to keep the spirit of the suggestion without specifying any particular "reasonable" taxation level. Here are the four as approved, if my memory of editing is correct:

So -- People favored taxing the rich fairly, a McMansion luxury taxing level, privacy and a right to a remedy, and a declaration that corporations are not people and that the DFL party should work tirelessly to overturn the mischief of Citizens United.

Partial Cannabis Decriminalization: A resolution favoring decriminalizing medicinal cannabis and industrial cannabis [for paper, hemp rope, etc., the kind George Washington grew], with "recreational use" not a part of the resolution in order to not be controversial.

Rank-Choice Voting: All of those approvals were unanimous. A split vote defeated a resolution suggesting rank-choice voting be approved as DFL party policy. I expect that such a resolution shall be passed by other precincts, and hence shall reach the resolutions committee.

Gay Rights - Marriage: Our precinct did not consider any gay rights or marriage amendment policy resolution proposals, where again the guess is other precincts will be proposing something for voting at the next level.

Family choice: Nothing. Again the guess is many other caucuses will address it.

Environmental Protection - Sulfide Mining: Environmental resolutions unanimously approved include:

It was unanimously thought that two proposed sulfide mining resolutions (the above, and a second with differing WHEREAS clauses but with the resolution part identical) should also be forwarded to the next level for decision. Presuming the precinct chair will be appointed to the resolutions committee, there will be a person who voted in caucus available in deliberations to be able to justify thinking as it was at precinct caucus; which is good for avoiding error or misconceptions. Also unanimous:

Supermajority policy:

While not scoping out goings-on in the GOP caucusing, I expect the Santorum people had a flat earth and a global warming - hoax resolution, and one declaring that contraception is Satan's work, that too, in wanting their way in things regardless of reason. You know how they can be.