
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Deja vu, all over again. This time, City of Ramsey, franchise fee. Complete with talking point cues for the less creative on council who cannot independently invent their own. Circa a decade ago.

I apologize for the quality of the scans. By the time the doc is scanned in a low end scanning unit, then the scan is reduced to page size, it gets a bit hard to read. Sakry reports of frachise fee proposal recycling, this link. Recycling is genarally a good thing.

However -

It was a failed idea then ...

Read the Ramsey Resident scans, from summer, 2003. There may be an additional Deja vu all over again post, as I have another scan or two done today, for posting later.

Don't you like how the Resident publishes canned talking points, for recycling, these days?

Remember, that 2003 time frame reflects the Ramsey days of James Norman, his ways and means, and hence should be viewed askance by discerning folks having an active sense of history.