
Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Crabgrass word of the day - in recognition of Michele Bachmann, is ---

Carpetbagger. In further recognition of Bachmann, this parallel search for the "carpetbagger" word.

This link:

A Tea Party carpetbagger, proud, she has said, of her Iowa heritage - and now paying tardy recognition to a District that has been her basis for glomming onto a quite comfortable ongoing federal paycheck, in which she does not reside, and which she has largely ignored and done nothing for over multiple terms in Congress. We, the rest of us, are stuck with her because they, those who voted for her, are getting exactly what they deserve.

And now for something completely different and unrelated to Michele Bachmann and how she might be perceived by thinking people in Minnesota's Sixth Congressional District, you can get a gold brick mouse for your workstation. Cordless. And, for more spent cash, you can get a gold brick USB hub.

Finally, in the spirit of not closing a post without a screen capture or other image, this screen capture:

In closing this brief look at a few words and terms, I should be the first to confess I have never known of anyone contending that Michele Bachmann can sing.

Hat tip to Ken Avidor, at Dump Bachmann, for first emphasizing Steve Sack's artistic in-depth analysis of the persona of the real Michele Bachmann.

More about Bachmann and her wanting to both run Sixth District and meddle into internal affairs of Betty McCullom's Fourth District; for satisfying her continuing pork-prize "Boondoggle Bridge" desires. And a primary opponent.

Here, here, here and here.

_________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Birds of a feather. Per Residual Forces, here. Ron Seiford, in my book is a step ahead of the parade, because he does not have those endorsements. Boat anchor baggage is how I see that list, all for the Queen B.

Some even, unlike Bachmann, actually live in the new Sixth Congressional District.

Huzzah. And, woo woo.