
Monday, January 09, 2012

Hackbarth hacking away in his hasty and unsound way of doing things.

Strib, this editorial. This earlier Strib reporting. Lead item of the Glean, MinnPost here. Dave Orrick writing, for PiPress here. All the links contain reporting on the half-cocked Mr. Hackbarth's mischief per Susan Thornton, the LCCMR head. Hackbarth is a problem, not part of any solution to anything. Idiots must predominate in his district since he is consistently reelected. His past conceal-carry situation did not reflect well on himself, the legislature, or his district. Voters should take advantage of the first opportunity to remove him in the 2012 elections. Bottom Line: He needs to be replaced with somebody cooler and more reflective and sagacious, a person less prone to intemperate passions and actions. Laurie Olmon was the DFL candidate last election, and would never have embarrassed the district the way Hackbarth repeatedly has. His ratings record is shameful. He takes gambling special interest campaign money. Olmon has stood as strongly as Hackbarth on hunting and gun ownership issues, and would have been a clear upgrade on almost everything else. She is not a person to continually put herself into unfavorable public situations, as Hackbarth is.