
Sunday, January 08, 2012

Following a watchdog's wallet, as a political tool or at least a sign of preferences.

This screenshot, from this page, via this webpage, from this website, naming "recipient of Watchdog largess" names:

this link, from a useful website

That big red circle does suggest the breed of dog you're dealing with. And, yes that screenshot does not name names. If curious, again, a naming-names listing is on the same webpage from which the screen capture was taken, online here. Another interesting listing, separate from Hamilton and his firm, but informative, here. And I'd bet you cannot guess why this donor pony's up with these demographics.

Finally, what do you make of the National Institute for State Politics feeling it helpful to an understanding to maintain a "Follow the Money" website, where you can even set up tracker info for update knowledge, via a myFollowTheMoney site capability? Hat tip to the Deets, where I learned that this web tool existed.

Harold Hamilton and I differ on many ideological positions, but we overlap on disliking waste, overreaching and inefficiency. I do respect Harlold Hamilton's integrity. It is interesting who he does not contribute to.