
Saturday, December 31, 2011

The least well-explained story of 2011.

It is what we in the trade sometimes call, "The Mother Hubbard" effect.
The best way I can explain things, if you think of this water bottle as
the MF Global customers' account money, Now you see it ...

So what exactly does the "MF" in MF Global stand for? In the committee hearings that never was asked.

The most provocative coverage, seeming to me to hang together as valid, and interesting in any event, is here, reprinted, here.

A quizzically interesting website is Zero Hedge, with its own popular MF Global story, here, by Tyler Durden (presumably a pseudonym). Durden had an interesting and popular 2010 story to tell, here.

___________FURTHER UPDATE____________
If you'd rather a rant, here, for one. Two guys on the same riff. A repeated mantra even using the f-word. And, not that one, the other. In the sense of, "new world order." But is it "new," and if you plug that f-word into the MF of MF Global, what do you give to the M? Malignant? Mobilized? What? Is there a word beginning with "M" that means holding regular folks up by the ankles and shaking and shaking until all the loose change falls from their pockets?

Another rant, same website.