
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Good news that Elizabeth Warren is gaining traction in Massachusetts. That evil dog, Karl Rove, is noticing. He would not notice and spew his poisonous venom, if he and his pack viewed her as a nonentity.

This link.

Next: A neat poster from the Occupy Seattle online peoples' posters display:

Digby notes the Rove knife job on Warren, here. In an adjacent post, he jabs Pelosi, and it was proper and deserved. More Digby, "He's either reckless or clueless and probably both." And his bloke, Block - birds of a feather - here, here and here. So, stick a fork in Cain. He's not going to be the nominee, nor second spot on the ticket. Baggage is baggage.

Crooks and Liars jumps into Block blogging, here., here.

That last link is to me a local [St. Cloud area] Republican stalwart writing an obit:

A high-priced CEO with a reputation for cleaning up other people’s messes shouldn’t have hired someone as inept as Mr. Block. He certainly shouldn’t keep him around once it’s proven that he’s inept.

Once a CEO proves that he isn’t willing to clean up messes that are dropped in his lap, his reputation is damaged. Which leads to my other point.

Herman Cain is a one-trick pony. During his debate with Newt Gingrich, he was asked what the difference was between a defined benefit plan and premium support systems. He had as big of a deer-in-the-headlights moment that night as Rick Perry had last night.

He finally said that he was giving the question to Newt. Take him away from his 9-9-9 security blanket and he’s utterly unqualified. Need proof? Try this:

-- Cain didn’t know what the Palestinian right of return was.
-- Cain talked about China acquiring nuclear technology, technology that they’ve had for half a century.
-- Cain said he’d release Gitmo prisoners in exchange for an American hostage “depending on the situation.”
-- Cain said that he’s personally pro-life but that he doesn’t think politicians should get involved in those decisions.

John Kerry gave the exact same answer as Mr. Cain on the life issue. John Kerry’s never been thought of as pro-life. Never. Mssrs. Hannity, Levin and El Rushbo have defended him against Politico’s despicable hit piece and rightfully so. If this were just a debate about whether the Politico article was a hit piece, it’d be easy to jump on that bandwagon.

When the final chapter is written, this won’t be about the Politico hit piece. It’s about whether Herman Cain is qualified to be the next leader of the free world. Based on his overreliance on his 9-9-9 security blanket, it’s becoming apparent that he’s anything but qualified to be the next leader of the free world.

____________FURTHER UPDATE___________
At the end of present things I can see a Romney-Gingrich ticket, if Rubio refuses second spot, ranging to a Gingrich-Pawlenty ticket, if Rubio refuses second spot. The others are stage props, Santorum being the paradigm stage prop along with Bachmann; except for Ron Paul who the Republicans will not nominate because the love the Fed and sabre-rattling, both of which Ron Paul speaks against. I do not see any change to Obama-Biden, and Bernie Sanders will not likely make a difference but is notable for raising a voice of progressive reasonableness. A bad GOP ticket. A mediocre repeat Dems offering. Obama has been such a disappointment, and should CHANGE. As a hope, no GOP ticket would think to put Norm Coleman in the second spot.